Rule #100 None.

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Rule #100

The rule is there are no rules.

All these rules mean nothing in reality.

There are simply to make you feel strong.

But just feeling strong isn't good enough, you have to be strong.

And to do that you have to live through your struggles and have courage.

You are the rules.

You live them everyday and may not even know it.

You live them so you can pass it on from generation to generation, which they make them stronger as time goes on and new struggles form.

You can do it.


So The last Rule #100 You make your own rules.


Bye guys, I had sooo much fun writing this and I didn't write it just to write it. this all came from my heart and different experiences. All-though I might be a giant hypocrite for writing this because I don't follow half of this stuff, but I truly wish I did. I wish I could be that strong. But I know you all are!!

If anyone wants to talk to me or has questions, feel free to inbox me!

Also 1 more chapter thing left!!

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