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Rule #1 Express your feelings or thoughts that are burdens to you.


Rule #2 You are just like everyone else in this world trying to get by, so please make it slightly easier by not being cockey!


Rule #3 Is think of others, you're not the only one going through something.


Rule #4 Forget other people, you are your own person!


Rule #4 1/2 You are Fabulous!


Rule #5 the person you can trust the most is yourself so be careful!


Rule #6 "Never let reality get in the way of your dreams but, never let your dreams get in the way of reality" ~ Me


Rule #7 don't keep trying the same thing if it didn't work the first time it won't the 10th time. Try something new you may succeed.


Rule #8 Call Sam and Dean when your power goes out.


Rule #9 If a person makes you mad more then happy, they probably aren't worth it.


Rule #10 You are just as important as everyone else.


Rule #11 Don't change who you are for anyone but yourself.


Rule #12 Smile, you're beautiful.


Rule #13 Be your genuine self.


Rule #14 You're a boss ass bitch and no one is more amazing then you.


Rule #15 You're not better then everyone else, so be kind.


Rule #16 Be strong and don't let things get to you.


Rule #17 Face the truth even if it hurts.


Rule #18 Hands to yourself and don't be clingy!


Rule #19 Music is the great escape ;)


Rule #20 Lying gets you no where in life, tell the truth and get over with it.


Rule #21 If you have family you can be yourself around take advantage of that!


Rule #22 Being comfortable isn't always good, and uncomfortable isn't always bad. Never settle for less


Rule #23 Be sure to buy the right size clothing, it might not be yours, you can't handle them, or they might fall off.


Rule #24 I have creepy legs that don't handle patience well and patience is a key that opens the door of frustration.


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