Chapter Four; Escape

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I know, I know, I go months without uploading, then I upload two chapters in one day? I'm a bit unpredictable. Sorry.


Over the next few days, Luke and I did nothing but plan. We'd talk endlessly, reviewing everything I knew, me correcting and revising when needed. In the end, it was ridiculously simple. All we needed was to wait for me to be taken out of our room.

For once in my life, I was excited to see my mother.

The door banged against the walls, interrupting Luke as he described(again) the joys of real food. My mother poked her head in, her shark eyes narrowing on me leaning against Luke's shoulder, wearing his shirt. "You little..." she growled. "Spread your legs for him yet? Come over here and take that fucking shirt off!"

I flinched, unsure, but Luke nudged me off of him, silently urging me to do as she said. Just stick to the plan, I reminded myself. With minimal hesitation I stood, walking over to my mother. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Luke turn away as I shrugged out of the shirt, his cheeks pink.

My mother's fingers gripped my wrist, nails digging into my skin as she tugged me from the room. "Little bitch," she muttered, dragging me down the short hallway. I smiled to myself as I listened to the silence of the hall. It took a full twenty seconds for the door to click shut behind us- Luke had escaped and my mother was none-the-wiser. I don't think she expected me to ever try to leave. Then again, I didn't either.

I was guided through a set of double doors into a longer, wider hallway- one adorned with doors on both sides. I knew the second one on the left was a guest bathroom, complete with a shower. Straight down the hall and two the right brought you to a main desk. I slipped a hand behind my back, silently pointing in the direction of the desk. I knew Luke had followed us, just out of sight. It was my job to play along with my mother just long enough for him to slip past and find his stuff. Then, I'd slip away as subtly as I could and run. Luke would meet me at the front entrance- once we found it- and then we'd make our escape.

I'd be free. I'd be outside.

A sharp crack echoed, my cheek stinging as flesh hit flesh. "Quit your smiling!" my mother spat, and I realized a soft smile had twisted the corners of my lips up. "Hurry up and walk."

I did my best to force my lips down into a frown, but I found it was extremely hard to act unhappy. Sure, I was still in an unpleasant situation and I definitely didn't want to get caught in another punishment, but if this worked... The smile was instantly back as I imagined the world out there Luke had described.

My mother pulled me through the bathroom door, roughly shoving me down onto the toilet seat. She pulled at the shower's sliding glass door, and not for the first time I found myself wondering if having the wooden stool inside was normal for all showers. In the few books I had read it wasn't mentioned, but how many of those mentioned characters showering?

I shrugged away my questions as my mother turned to the cabinet under the sink, rifling through various items until she found what she was looking for; two strong, flexible cords. I prayed I had given Luke enough time.

"You know the drill, get on the stool," my mother said, jabbing a finger at the shower. I didn't move. "Did you hear me? Stool. Now."

I bit my lip. "No?" I squeaked, though it sounded more like a question then a refusal.

My mother raised her hand as if to strike, but I allowed my eyelids to flutter shut, forcing her and myself into my imagination. We both appeared in the blank white space. The question was, now what? Nothing that happened here happened in real life, but... I had an idea. I'd never be able to over power her in real life, but what if I could move my physical body while in my mindspace? She wouldn't be able to tell I was escaping, and it would distract her for a minute.

Within seconds of conjuring the blank white canvas up around me, I replaced it with the bathroom scene. My mother blinked, but seemed to wave it away. She didn't seem to realize where she was.

Unsure of how to go about this, I opted for a distraction through conversation until I could figure it out. "I'm not going to." I stilled in my imagination, trying to move my physical body. All I achieved was a twitch.

My mother lunged forward, dragging me to the stool with surprising strength. She forced me to the seat.

In real life, I managed to take a step. Well, I think I did. It was hard to operate a body in two worlds at once. It was like trying to rub your stomach and pat your head. Doable, but confusing and difficult.

As my mother began to secure my imaginary self to the stool, I forced myself to move in real life, one step after another. I tuned out the happenings of the imaginary world as much as possible, focusing on moving in real life.

My hand found the door knob.

In my excitement my imaginary world fell away, and I dashed through the door before my mother could piece things together. It would only buy me a few seconds, depending on how long it would take my mother to figure it out, but it was time nonetheless.

I sprinted down the hall, making a right to the desk. Luke had said the main entrance was somewhere around here, so this was where I'd start my search. I darted through doorways, circling the area around the desk. The halls were deserted. No one stopped me.

My mother was nowhere to be seen.

It wasn't until I was thoroughly lost that I found the entrance. Luke wasn't there, but his shirt was. I smirked, remembering the glint his eyes took on after I made him promise not to stop at the doors first just to give me something to cover up. He never really lost that argument.

After slipping the shirt back on, I stood staring at the partially transparent set of double doors. Speaking of Luke, where was he? Had he been caught? Should I wait for him?

Footsteps thudded against the tile floor, and I perked up, glancing down the hall they echoed from. I bit my tongue so as not to call out. I was curious, not stupid. If it wasn't Luke, I wasn't going to take any chances.

An alarm blared from somewhere deeper in the building, and a figure rounded the corner at the end of the hallway.

It wasn't Luke.

I yelped as I recognized my father. He shouted something, but I paid him no mind as I burst through the doors, a blast of heat hitting me in the face.

I had two options. Stay and wait for Luke, possibly getting locked up again, or run and be free. I hesitated.

...then ran.

But there was no way I wasn't coming back.

Alternate chapter title; Freedom! Haha, Just Kidding

So, do you think Luke was caught? Or was he just held up?

Do you think he's ok?

When will Sang come back for him? How will she save him? Will she meet the others first?

SO MANY QUESTIONS and I only know half the answers myself. Happy reading!

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