Chapter Five; Recruiting a Rescue Team

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Three in one day! I have no idea how I'm doing this!

I needed to be fast- something my human form was not. I needed to run and find someone to help. I wasn't sure who to run to.

Feeling ridiculous(seeing as I had just put it on), I stripped Luke's shirt off, dropping it on the ground at my feet. After shifting, I carefully picked the fabric up in my jaws. I didn't want to rip it.

I shot off into the woods surrounding the building, the vanilla scent of the shirt overpowering any other smell I might have encountered. It made me sad, I still wasn't sure what the woods smelled like, but they looked almost exactly like Luke described. I didn't have the time to bask in it, though.

I skidded to a stop as a conversation drifted to me, sounding near.

"-B said there's something going on," a deep, masculine voice said.

Another boy answered, a smirk in his voice. "I'm sure it was Luke. He probably found a way out."

Luke? They knew Luke? I barked through the fabric in my mouth to draw the two's attention. Their voices immediately cut out, their footsteps quieting.

"Why the fuck is there a dog out here?" one of them whispered. "Shit, is it a guard dog?"

Again, I barked, bounding forward towards the voices. If they knew Luke, they'd go back with me to break him out, right?

I slowed, panting slightly as I trotted through the trees. The two boys and I stopped to study each other, their eyes wide as they took me in.

The first one was a little shorter than Luke, though taller than me. His hair hung long around his chin, but was brushed back away from his face. Two locks of hair, one tucked behind each ear, were colored a light shade of blond. The rest of his hair was a rich brown. His eyes were crystal-like, bright blue, resembling the glittering lake Luke had described. He had a couple of rings in each ear, his right with three black ones up along the top. He wore jeans and a neon green tanktop, showing off lean but defined biceps.

The other boy was taller than even Luke, which surprised me. Was I just short or was everyone around me giant? He had a stern face and serious blue eyes, wearing a red and white Nike shirt with black shorts. His hair was cut short, a mix between red and brown, leaning more on the red side. His chin was angled, his jaw clenched as he looked at me. He had broad tapered shoulders and an undefinable power in his statured. His muscles intimidated me.

Lake-eyes' jaw dropped. He ducked behind the other boy. "Fucking fuck! That's a wolf!"

I sat, tucking my tail in between my legs and ducking my head, trying to appear humble and nonthreatening. I remembered Luke had thought I was going to eat him the first time he saw me, and though I didn't understand why, I knew they were scared of me.

"Wolves don't normally attack humans, as far as I know," the second boy said, looking conflicted. He didn't look scared, but uncertain and nervous. He paused, something catching his eye. "What's that in its mouth?"

I couldn't help the way my ears perked up as he saw it. Did he recognize the shirt as Luke's?

"Who the fuck cares about what's in its mouth?!" Lake-eyes exploded.

The other boy ignored him, crouching as he whistled, patting his knee. "C'mere bud!"

At the boy's prompting, I stood, tail wagging as I trotted over.

Lake-eyes recoiled. "Fuck Nathan, that's a wolf, not Max!"

The second boy- Nathan I assumed- ignored him. "Good boy," he murmured as I stopped, sitting in front of him. He looked assessingly at the shirt in my mouth, seeming unsure about something. I was pretty sure he wanted Luke's shirt, but I was afraid he'd take it and I wouldn't get it back. I cocked my head as I looked at him, then hesitantly dropped my jaw. The shirt fell to the ground at Nathan's feet.

Slowly, the boy's hand inched forward to grab the shirt, his eyes on me the entire time. When I made no move to attack, he gently shook the shirt out, inspecting it. His expression steeled. "I think this is Luke's."

Lake-eyes glanced at the shirt, then trained his gaze back on me. "Definitely."

I yipped, bobbing my head in confirmation.

"Ok, now that's just creepy," Nathan said. "It's like it understands me..." He paused.

I nuzzled against his outstretched hand, gently closing my teeth around Luke's shirt. I tugged.

Nathan's grip tightened.

I growled, slightly exasperated. I didn't want him to take it, I wanted him to follow me. Over the last few days, Luke had taught me not to shift in front of people, but it was getting very frustrating very fast.

Nathan stiffened, instantly releasing the fabric. Lake-eyes cursed and jumped back several steps. "Shit Nate! Stop playing with the mother fucking wolf!"

I huffed, pawing at Nathan's ankle.

"Shut up Gabe, there's just something about it..." Nathan slowly reached out with a hand, presenting it in front of my face. I was unsure what he wanted me to do with it. When I didn't react, he dropped his hand onto my head. Again, he stopped, watching me carefully.

"Nathan..." Gabe- Lake-eyes- warned.

Nathan ignored his friend, gently rubbing between my ears. It reminded me of the way Luke would scratch behind my ears. "You're not mean, are you?" he asked, though I had no way of answering. My tail wagged of its own accord. He squeezed his eyes shut. "I feel like an idiot," he murmured, then louder asked, "Where's Luke, bud?"

Yes! He understood! I barked, leaping to my feet, ignoring the way the two boys flinched back. Excitedly, I barked and yipped through the fabric in my mouth, bounding a few steps towards the building I had just escaped. Nathan trailed behind. He dragged a grumbling, cursing Gabe behind him.

I released a muffled howl.

I had found help, and I was coming to save Luke.

Well, that was interesting. Do you think Nathan suspects? Do you think they'll be able to save Luke on their own, or will reinforcements need to be called?

Is Luke even still there?

How will Sang pull this off without shifting in front of the boys? Will she even try to keep her secret?

I'm uncharacteristically excited to write more!

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