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A/N: happy holidays x

"Are you sure you don't want to join me and mum?" Zayn asked as he zipped up his suitcase. The older boy was flying out to his family in England for Christmas. I meanwhile, had no plans and yet we were just days away from the holiday.

"I'll be fine Z, you have fun," I reassured him. He grinned back, ruffling my hair and giving me a quick cuddle before leaving to catch his flight.

The apartment felt weird without my friend, so I decided to spend the remainder of my day on the couch. Growing up, Christmas was the only real time my brother and I had spent with our parents; we saw them briefly - often, but we had at least a week as an actual family. The older my sibling and I got, the less my parents felt we needed 'family time', and now it had been well over a year since I last saw them.

I found myself working on some future shoots I had lined up for IMG, emailing sets to confirm details. After about the fourth email, I realised that few people would actually read them as they would be busy with their families. I sighed, instead turning to my new iPhone to read through the messages I had missed.

Kendall – 09:32
Can I come over?

I smiled as I typed a response to the girl, eager to see her again. Kendall and I had been spending a lot of time together; it was almost like when we first started dating, but for now we weren't tied to any label. I practically sprinted to the door when I heard her arrive - unable to hide my excitement. She smiled shyly back at me when I finally opened the door, after what felt like forever of me scrambling to do so.

"Hey you," I giggled, pulling her towards me by the collar of her jacket. We were still stood at the doorstep, yet we couldn't care less; we were together. Kendall inhaled the frosty winter air sharply at our proximity. I watched as the brunette's gaze drifted down towards my lips.

"Kiss me," she whispered as though she wasn't certain it was what I wanted to hear. Her warm breath grazed my lips lightly as she spoke, the lack of distance between us making it easy for me to comply with Kendall's request.

I leant in gently, pressing lightly against her lips at first, before kissing the girl with more purpose. I took the model's bottom lip between mine, tugging at it lightly before pulling away.

We smiled warmly at each other as we made our way out of the cold, properly into my apartment, as I led the older girl towards my kitchen. Kendall was still holding my hand when I tried to make her coffee one-handed, leaving her giggling at my attempt.

"I'm going home for Christmas tonight." She announced suddenly. I snapped my head towards her in surprise; I'm not entirely sure why I was surprised, I suppose she just caught me off guard. 

I awkwardly replied that I was certain she'd have a nice holiday, leaving her laughing light heartedly at me once again.

"Come with me," she spoke hurriedly as she exhaled, leaving me somewhat bewildered once again. Confused, I asked Kendall for clarification. "Come home with me - to LA." She repeated a little more confidently. "...Just for Christmas?" She added cautiously.

I hadn't been home to Los Angeles in a long time. Partly because it didn't really feel like home anymore; my brother, Ryan, had moved out to an entirely different country - without him I had no real family in the state. I missed Ryan more than anything - he was my definition of family. The older girl looked hopeful, and I decided that in agreeing I had very little to lose.

"Are you sure? As in your family..." I trailed off, hoping Kendall would understand my worries. She insisted that everything would be fine – she'd be with me. "I guess I could join you," I smiled.


I stepped off the plane after Kendall, taking in the beauty that was a Los Angeles winter. She smiled warmly at me as the sun began to set behind us. The sky's pink and purple hues reflected onto the model's sunglasses, and I grinned as I took a quick candid of the girl.

As we made our way through the arrivals lounge, I spotted a group of teenage girls waving at us, pointing them out to Kendall who was happy to meet them. I smiled as I watched the model besides me interact with the fans, for a person of her level of success; Kendall remained grounded and down to earth, talking to the younger girls as if they truly were her friends.

"Selfie?" Kendall asked the girls who simply squealed in response. I offered to take a group photo of Kenny with the girls and I was sure one of them almost fainted.

"Holy shit. You're Y/N, Zayn's hot tour photographer. I'm so blessed oh my god I could cry," she rambled while Kendall watched our interaction appearing amused. A few of the girl's friends had joined in on the fangirling, and before I knew it, Kendall Jenner was taking a group photo of me with the girls.

"So you have to spill, did you sleep with Zayn? I mean, you're a fucking goddess he'd be lucky to." Another girl pushed; keen to get an answer to her question out of me. Kendall now appeared much less amused, and informed the fans that we had to be going. I gave the girls a small wave before following Kendall and her security, leaving the inquiry into my sex life behind.

In the ride out of LAX, Kendall and I held hands in the back of the car, stealing flirty glances off of each other like true young lovers. She rested her head on my shoulder, staying like that for the rest of the journey.

I knew that it was soon, but everything felt right with Kendall. We had history and being together at Christmas just felt like the perfect time to ask the model to be my girlfriend again. I knew that timing was important, but we fucked that up last time and I was determined to get this right the second time round.

"Kenny," I began softly. The model shifted a little so that she could look at me. I pushed her sunglasses back onto her hair so that I could glance into her eyes properly. The warmth and love those brown eyes carried convinced me that this was right. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked with a small smile. The older girl's eyes widened as she stared back at me for confirmation of what she had heard. Her eyes became glossy as she nodded frantically, wrapping me up in a tight hug.

"Yes. Yes. Yes." She replied in between kisses. I giggled as I rested my forehead on Kendall's – on my girlfriend's. "You just made my Christmas," she whispered with a smile.


I smiled sweetly at Kendall as we walked hand in hand into my hotel for the trip. A bell boy followed us with our luggage, but there truly was nobody in this world that could interrupt the warm, fuzzy feeling I felt every time my girlfriend smiled at me.

Following a brief check-in, we made our way towards my suite – the penthouse suite. I had insisted that a standard room would suffice, but Kendall pushed that she would have only the best for 'her baby'. She paused outside the suite, biting her lip nervously.

"You made my Christmas, and I want to make yours. Merry Christmas baby," she giggled as she handed me the suite's key card. I glanced at my girlfriend curiously, feigning a suspicious look while the girl continued to laugh.

As I swung the door open, I almost cried as I saw Kendall's Christmas gift to me; Ryan. Perched on the arm of an arm chair sat my older brother, looking older than the last time I had seen him, and much better dressed. He held his arms open for me to run into, laughing as I met him with a koala hug – holding onto him tightly to ensure that he was real.

"Merry Christmas Y/N/N," he spoke gently as he carefully put me down. I turned back to my girlfriend with a look of awe, her gaze reciprocating the immense love I was feeling. I ran a hand through my hair as I tried to laugh away the tears I couldn't help falling, Kendall really had brought me home to my family for Christmas.

"Merry Christmas Kenny," I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around the older girl tightly.

"Merry Christmas Y/N/N."

A/N: Vote and comment to let me know what you think! I hope you all have a lovely holiday. Regardless of who you spend your Christmas/holiday with, I hope it's a good one x

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