Chapter 1 | Greetings|

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All of the gods of destruction were sitting down and taking about personal matters

"I hear that there is a fox girl in universe 7" Quitela said winking at all of the gods of destruction 

"Yeah so she is amazing at what she does is there a problem with Y/N?!" Beerus yelled at Quitela and was blushing a little bit

"No but what does she do for a living....I'm interested in her now hehe"Quitela giggled and drake some tea 

Everyone:"Yeah what does she do for a living?" Everyone sounded excited to hear about you

Beerus:"Well she makes music,sings,makes art and drawing,she dances which is amazing,bakes and make delicious food"

Everyone:"WHAT?! THAT IS AMAZING WE WANT TO MEET HER NOW!!"They all sounded so happy to hear what you do for a living 

Whis:"Hold on then let me call her and she if she can arrive here"You were half saiyan so you can teleport the same as Goku and Vegeta. Whis then called you 

"Hey whiskers"You had a pet name for whis which he loved very much

"Hello Y/N may you come to where I am with,Beerus and the other destroyers please they are all very excited to meet you"

"Hey Y/N get yourself here now!"Beerus sounded happy to hear that you will be coming 

"Hey Beery"You smiled and you loved to say beery every time you talk to beerus

"HEY!!! I SAID DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!"He yelled at you angrily

Champa:"Wow beerus you seem so worked up over her hehe"Everyone began to giggle and whisper to each other

"Alright here I am"You teleport behind beerus"Boo!"Beerus jumped back

What you look like:

"AH! you strutted me!"He sighed"Well here is the other 11 destroyers

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"AH! you strutted me!"He sighed"Well here is the other 11 destroyers....everyone meet Y/N.......Y/N meet everyone"Beerus introduced you to everyone but when you looked at Liquiir In the eye you blushed and he did too, you both looked away 

Beerus pushed you to Liquiir which made you trip, Liquiir caught you and smiled

"Are you okay?"He asked you

"Y-Yeah thanks"you sounded shy around him.After a while of getting to know each other everyone deiced to play a game of tag  you were the best at it. Heles who is universe 2 destroyer was it and had a hard time trying to tag you. After Champa caught you, you and everyone else rested since it was so epic of a game.

You then talked to Liquiir for awhile and found out that he is a nice person and doesn't seem harmful at all.

________________________________________________________________________________Part 2 will be coming soon I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I love writing it please 






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