Chapter 13 Joe

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I stood there, staring, waiting for this horrible nightmare to be over, we had only just got here and I was already wishing to go home, why did I agree to this. The sounds of howling and barking driffed over the metal fence that surrounded the kennels, it was a sad site, it looked more like a prison than where an animal would stay or spend their lives.

Sophie came over to me, tapped me on the back, smiled and linked arms with me, I smiled back at least I had her here. "Don't worry Joe, im here" she said as I hesitated as we came towards the front door, I breathed and relaxed, it couldn't be that bad.

We entered and signed in for a viewing, a girl soon came over and greeted us before taking us on a tour of the campus, she showed us the outdoor kennels for the dogs and cats, before moving inside to the indoor areas, which had cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, snakes, hamsters, birds, etc. I was took back at how many animals there was and soon began wishing that I could adopt something, i'd have to ask dad though.

Lastly we were shown into the baby area, this incuded puppies, kittens, and baby animals, even I had to admit they were adorable. I looked over at Sophie, she had a huge smile on her face and her eyes sparkled with love. I was so glad I chose to come, not because it had changed my mind about animals but because I allowed someone to do something the truely loved.

The girl who had taken us around then said that we were allowed to go anywhere and check out the animals properly, I smiled and said thankyou, whilst Sophie rushed towards the puppies.

I was stood looking at Sophie cooing over the puppies when I felt a hand on my left shoulder. I looked up to see the girl, who had led us round, looking at me. "She really likes animals, your girlfriend huh?" she said to me nodding towards Sophie.

I smiled and looked at Sophie who now had a puppy in her arms, "actually she not my girlfriend" I said sadly. "Oh sorry I just thought you were, anyway I was going to ask you if you thought she might like a job here?". I looked at her, smiled "of course she will be so excited" and began to walk over, however I hadn't gotten far when she grabbed me back. "Thanks we always need new staff and she perfect, anyway you said you weren't dating her right?" she said looking at me smiling crazily. "Yeah... im not dating anyone ...why?" I asked knowing where the conversation was going but not wanting it to go there.  "Yay, well I was wondering do you wanted to go out one day, to just get to know one another?"  she said hoping for a good answer. I gave her a small smile before taking a deep breath, looking over at Sophie, closing my eyes and saying "I ... just... can't .. im sorry, but theres someone else and I really like her". I opened my eyes and she smiled, nodded and slipped me a piece of paper before leaving. 'Okay weird' I thought as I walked over towards Sophie.

When I got over there Sophie was petting a golden puppy with longer ears than it's entire head and holding a golden brown and black puppy in her arms. She smiled as she saw me approach, "Joe look how cute they are" she said handing me the puppy, I really didn't want.

I grabbed the puppy off her, holding it at arms length and sat there a while just looking at it. The more I looked at it though the more I fell in love with it. Within ten minutes I was sold, I loved this puppy and I wanted to keep it. Sophie smiled at me, knowing damn well I love him. "I think he's a keeper" she said helping me up with the puppy in my hands.

We walked over arm in arm, Sophie carring the golden brown and black puppy in her arms, to our leader, she smiled as we approached and loved the idea of us adopting the puppy. She took us to the main office, where the puppy was checked over, flead, wormed and had all his injections done, she then made us sign the paperwork and told us all we would need to know about looking after the dog.  She smiled and waved goodbye, she would check In on the puppy in two weeks time. Me and Sophie walked back to the car carrying a pet carrier containing a puppy, next stop was Pets at home.

We arrived at Pets at Home within ten minutes,  Sophie undid the pet carrier and took the puppy out, she carried him into the shop, leaving me to trail behind. "What should we get first?" I asked looking around the shop, scanning the shelves. "Huh lets see, we need a collar,  a lead, a food bowl, a water bowl, a bed, toys and puppy food, so lets get the collar done first yeah?" she said walking to the dog isle.

We searched around for the right size for the unnamed puppy and soon found a light blue one. It fit perfectly, not to loose and not too tight. He looked great, we picked up a stretchy lead whilst we were in the area and decide to look for food and bowls for the puppy. 

We picked up two blue food bowls and some puppy food before traveling toward the toy isle. Sophie put the puppy down and let him run around, he ran back and forth tripping up a couple of times before noticing the toys, he then began to pick out toys. He loved the squeaky ones and each time it made a noise he'd pounce on it. In the end we ended up buying a squeaky burger, a cuddly lion doll, a pack of play balls and a cuddly squeaky frog, we also got him a small puppy bed before checking out.

However just as we were about to leave I remembered that we had forgot about a tag for his collar, I spotted a machine, that did the name and design, I typed in Sophie's name and adress, as well as a contact number, then it came to the name. I looked at Sophie, we needed to name him, she smiled and said I've always wanted a dog called Bailey.

It was a nice name and I typed it in, then came to the shape, what shape did we want for the collar. 'huh, a circle, a square, a star, a heart or a bone'. I selected bone and paid the money it said it was, soon a metal tag popped out the machine along with my change. I attached it to the collar and left the shop holding some of the bags.

We got in the car and attached the collar to Bailey, we then put the pet bed in the carrier which sat on Sophie's lap in the back, he soon settled into the bed, we then surrounded him with the toys we had collected and within seconds he began to squeak the toys, it was going to be a long 20 minute journey.

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