Chapter49 - Connor, Alfie's and Caspar's Povs

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I breathed deeply, exhalling the air upwards causing my fringe to ruffle sightly in different directions. There was another person I needed to tell my secret too, he had been quite close to me for a while now and he deserved to know before the video I filmed was released.

I had told a few people about who and what I was and each one excepted me fully and without hesitation, I just hoped he would too. Sophie had been one of the first people to know my secret and yet she said she always knew, that nothing would change and that she would still love me and treat me the same. This helped me have the strength to tell others and she was even with me when I told my parents and family.

She had helped me though everything and I truely loved her for it. Not once did her support wane, she told and helped me to believe that everything would be okay. I knew that she hadn't told Joe about me and for that I trusted her more, I knew she shouldn't keep secrets from him and so did she however she also knew I wasn't ready and helped me hide it till I was. TOMORROW I WOULD BE READY.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Caspar and Alfie sat at the table talking over a mug of coffee. I stopped and listened into their conversation, which was about the new video they were going to do together in the new year (2015). "Hey guys can I tell you something? It's kinda important" I asked inturrupting their convosation. They both turned to look at me and smiled, "shoot" Caspar grinned at me whilst Alfie just nodded. I guess I could tell them both, they needed to know sometime. "So guys.... i've known for sometime now... but... here it goes... I -I- I'm Gay" I shuttered letting out the breath I had been holding in.

Sophie was right, It did get easier each time I told someone.


(Alfie's pov)

'Connor was gay! How had I not noticed that, it was right in front of me all this time and yet I somehow couldn't see it, why?'.

I sat there speechless, my mouth just hung open, it wasn't a huge surpirse, it just took me back abit and I was more surprised by the fact that no one had gathered that he was 'that way inclined'. When I finally was able to speak again and had regained some of my composure, I shut my mouth and smiled at Connor.

"How long have you felt this way?" I asked curious as to why he had suddenly come out and told us now. "A few months" he replied staring down at the table, "sorry for not telling you before, I understand if you both hate me" he said sadly, fearing rejection.

I just grinned at him, "are you kidding me, me and Caspar would never hate you" I said looking over at Caspar who nodded, "of course we wouldn't hate you, your still the same Connor underneath it all, and thats all that matters" he said getting up from his seat only to wrap Connor into a hug.

(Caspar's pov)

I always knew Connor was confused, he had told me serval times about how he didn't feel like he was him, like he was always trying to hide who he really was away from the world. Each time I supported him telling him to try and find who he was, embrace 'the inner him', as some might call it.

As it would make him alot happier than what he seemed to be like in those moments.

I guess this was Connors way of fully excepting himself and I was glad he had trusted me enough to tell me. I knew I wasn't the first person he told but I wasn't the last either. That made me happy, he trusted and listened to me like a friend should, he tried what I had suggested and I was glad he decided to come out of hiding. I knew this Connor would be far more interesting and far more happy with who he really was.

I grinned at the young male that stood infront of me, he looked so shy and small, but then again so would I if had just told two of my closest male friends that I was gay. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, he looked terrified as if we would reject him and dump him as our friend.

I couldn't help it, he looked like a sad lost puppy. He just needed to be told that he would be safe with us and always loved no matter what, I mean we did the same for Troye and Tyler right? Thankfully Alfie decided to clear up our thoughts and feeling towards the situation and I walked around the breakfast bar only to wrapped Connor up into a much needed hug.

//AN// Sorry for the filler chapter guys, I know your desperately waiting for Dan to get his revenge on Joe for hurting Sophie, I know your also waiting to see what Joe will do when he finds out Marcus is behind the fight and I know you want to know what will happen at playlist so I will try and upload as soon as possible.
Hope your enjoying the chapters xx

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