Chapter 17 Joe

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I couldn't believe what had happened at first, one minute me and Sophie were stood next to each other, my hand around her waist as I led her to the door, we were laughing and joking then suddenly we opened the door and she was on the floor, screaming in pain.

I stood there the whole world moving in slow motion around me, I couldn't focus on anything, I didn't even know what had happened all I knew was that Sophie was hurt.  Tanya rushed over to me, I could see her mouth moving but no words were coming out, my vision was blurry, something was wrong, suddenly the sound was so loud, it echoed in my ears, people were screaming, crying, Tanya was shouting at me to calm down.

"Joe calm down, please you might hurt yourself, she will be alright, dont worry, an ambulance is on the way, please stop crying and sit down with her, she asking for you" she said shoving my shoulder down, making me sit. I blinked a couple of times and felt water roll down my face, I was shaking. I breathed deeply and decided to help.

I rushed over to the group of people that had crowded around the breathless body on the ground,  I screamed and grabbed people out the way, making my way towards her, she was led on the floor barley breathing, whispering my name. I ran over to her and grabbed her hand, she looked up at me her eyelids threatening to close, I couldn't hold it I had to tell her everything, how I felt what I was going to do and what I had hoped for but as soon as I started she shussed me.

"Joe..?" she said squezzing my hand slightly, "yes, what is it Sophie, if you want anything I can get it for you, do you want a blanket, anything...... ?", she laughed, before taking a deep breath. "shusshhh Joe I want three things, 1. you to stay by me all the time, 2. you to tell me you love me and to talk about all the good memories we have had together so I dont fall asleep and for you to kiss me, is that okay?" she asked almost in a whisper.

I nodded before bringing my head down to kiss her, our lips locked and I felt her arm slowly slide around my neck pulling me closer, the kiss was so passionate, everything in my body felt alive, sparks shone and my whole body shook, it lasted for about two minutes before I needed to breath. I pulled back breathless, my skin was coverd in goosebumps and I was shaking.

I kissed her on the forehead slowly before placing her head on the jumper we had put on the floor. "Don't worry babe" I said looking up to see the police and an ambulance squad "Im here, always" I said as paramedics rushed over to us, they surround her and before too long she had wires and tubes coming out of her, a mask to help her breath, covered her mouth and I could tell she was freaking out, I grabbed her hand and whispered that I loved her before following her into the ambulance. Hopefully the guys would remember Bailey and would take care of him whilst we were at the hospital.

Being in the back of an ambulance was a scary and weird experience, I always thought that it would be me that would end up in one of these, all because im so clumsy but no it had to be much worse. I sat on the seat opposite Sophie holding onto her hand in a desperate attempt to save her. I watched as the medic took care of her and tried to calm me down.

I finally relaxed slight when he said that she was stable and that no major arteries had been damaged. I breathed deeply and began to tell Sophie stories of when we were kids and all the happy memories with her. A small smile played upon her lips as I told the tales,she laughed slightly too. By the time we reached the hospital, she had tears in her eyes and was smiling like a Cheshire cat.

She was rushed through the back doors of the emergency department, I followed almost at a speed run behind her.  They wheeled her into a room and I was intived to join her as long as I didn't get in the way. The doctors started to examine Sophie with extursating detail and soon started to tell me the damage that had been caused. Luckily she would survive and that only stiches would need to be done. However due to the blood loss and pain she was in, she needed to stay in over night. I nodded and helped them wheel her to cubicals. I spent about ten minutes talking to Sophie before leaving her in a doctors capable hands, to ring the others.

The others were really conserned about whether Sophie and I were okay so I explained the situation and asked what had happened with them. They said the police made them tell their sides of the story and were still at the place looking for clues, however the thought the had someone who could be connected to the crime. I even asked them about Bailey and apparently he was now at Caspars house safe and sound, fed and watered and Zoe had rang the adoption place and explained the problem, in which they decided to change the date to the week after. Apparently the guys would pop up to see Sophie whilst Caspars girlfriend would look after the flat and Bailey, they just needed to collect stuff for me and Sophie to stay the night.

When they arrived I met them out the front and led them to cubicals,  only three at a time were allowed in, so all the girls went first Niomi, Zoe and Becki, who had decided to come with them. They carried Sophies clothes in and helped her to get changed into something more comfortable. They had also brought gifts that they had purchased in the gift shop. After about 20 minutes the girls came out the doors and let Caspar, Alfie and Marcus in to see her, they had also brought her gifts and she was fully surrounded and covered in them, they talked for a while before letting me to go in and stay with her all night, they waved goodbye and said that they would see us tomorrow outside the hospital when she was released.

Thats when it hit me, Sophie, even in times of hate had people who loved her and really cared for her, she was indeed a very special girl, that had in the end chosen me, even with what could of been her last dying breath, which made me a very lucky man. I followed the others out and decided to ring Jim and Tanya to tell them everything was fine and about the idea the guys had for when she was released, they thanked me and told me they would tell the others at the party about Sophies situation, so I could spend more time with her, I thanked them and hung up. 

I arrived back at Sophie's cubical and let myself in, she breathed deeply before laughing "they're all so worried about me, it just seems so stupid im not that hurt" she said looking down at the bed and her hands that were picking at the covers. " Thats because everyone loves you honey" I said softly reaching for something in the bag Marcus had brought, with my stuff in. I pulled out a very worn out, very grey teddy dog. It had been Sophie's since the age of six and she adored this teddy, it was her everything, she told it everything and treated as if it was he real thing. I knew she would love it and I had specially asked Marcus to pack it as it had been sat on the bed.

I gave it to her and her face lit up, tears filled her eyes and her cheeks blushed, she took it off me and began to cry into it, She stroked the fur and petted it as if it were real, she whispered her feelings into it not caring that I was there to hear them aswell. She then sat the dog in her lap, and looked at me, drying her eyes she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek," Thankyou" she whispered softly.

She leaned back and looked at the dog before looking back at me, " what were you going to tell me earlier when I stopped you?". I sighed I knew it was coming, I stared at the floor and started to tell her about what i was going to do tonight and how I felt about her. "I really wanted it to work so that one day we could move in together or start a family or something, I really want to spend my life with you Sophie, thats if you'll have me?" I said looking up at her tearfilled eyes, and holding her hands.

"Joe..." She started and I looked down, she didn't like me, I was going to be pushed away again just like I was with every other girl, except this time it would hurt 100 times more, I really felt something for her and I was devastated that I would come to an end when she opened her beautiful mouth. She pulled my face up so I looked at her, tears filled her eyes, "you really feel that way?".

I nodded, I thought I had made it clear, why was she taking so long to turn me down."Good, because thats exactly how I feel and I would hate for you to feel any different, I'm sorry your plans didnt work out but hopefully we can still go on that date" she said looking into my eyes pleading.

I was shocked she wasn't turning me down and she felt the same, my heart lept out my chest and into my mouth , butterflies filled my stomach,  my head swirled round with thoughts, "Yes, Yes, Yes!!! The date is definitely going ahead" I said smiling up at her "Sorry this wasn't how I expected to ask you". She smiled, "I'm glad, but I wouldnt change it for the world" she laughed. We talked for a while until she started to yawn. I tucked her in and kissed my girlfriend good night before settling for the small sofa in the room which was next to her bed.

Soon enough we were both asleep.

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