chapter 13: Stew

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Oh winter. The time where things get colder and being inside is a better option. The times where your ridiculed if you drink iced anything. The times where the bigger the scarf and longer the coat, the better. It's also the time for sickness. The only thing I HATE with a strong passion. Because my immune system isn't that strong, I'm always getting sick with colds.

Today is nothing different. As I'm laying on my couch with a small trash can filled with tissues on the floor ." Ugh, I hate this." I say to myself sneezing. I go to reach for another tissue and.......I don't have anymore. Okay, okay there must be more in the bathroom upstairs. So I go upstairs to the bathroom and see that there isn't anymore boxes there either." Great." I mutter under my breathe.

I put on some pants and a long thick black sweater, covering my hands. I go back downstairs to get my coat, hat, and shoes. With my keys and phone already in my pocket I close the door to my apartment and set out on my mission for more tissues. Wearing a face mask. I keep my head down and walk as quickly as I can.

Once I enter the store I grab several boxes of tissues as well as some candy and ramen. Going to the cashier I play for my things and dash out, trying to get out of the cold. I get stopped by a phone call."Hello?" I say in a stuffy tone." Harmoni? You sound sick." The caller, now known to be jin, made you want to roll your eyes at his comment. But instead you continue to walk. Getting closer and closer to home." That's because I am. I always get sick at this time of year." You explain the situation with your sinuses. Jin sighs on the other line, with some shuffling following in the background."What's wrong?" " I actually had tested out a new recipe, and I wanted you to taste it." 

I stop trying to open my door with the keys. I feel my face scrunch up in confusion." Jin. You know where I live. Can't you just bring it up here? Even though I don't want you to because I'm sick." The door to your home is finally open and you hang your keys on one of the coat hooks." I'll be fine Harmoni. I can bring it over and leave right away." I ponder on Jin's words as I put away everything I bought.

"I'm not gonna argue with you. There's a key connected by a magnet under the mat outside. If I'm asleep by the time you get here just wake me up." I talk with Jin a bit more before he hangs up. I lay on the couch looking up at the ceiling. I don't stare at it too long though, as I'm soon greeted by sleep.


"Harmoni." I hear my name being called in a gentle way. With the swift motion I opened up my eyes and sit up. Jin and suga greeted me with smiles. I try to reciprocate the gesture, but fail as I start a coughing fit." Are you okay?" Was what both men asked me as they each patted me on the back. I try and nod yes but can't as the coughing gets worse. Yoongi goes into the kitchen and gets a water bottle from the fridge.

He returns with the bottle and gives it to me. Drinking it helped tremendously and I thank him for giving it to me." Here's the stew I made. I'm glad I made it too since you are really sick." My eyes can't help but roll at the comment but I thank him anyway, taking the peach colored bowl from his hands. He hands me a spoon and I thank him.

I taste the stew and I feel my eyes light up in happiness." Jin! This tastes so good!" I compliment him as I continue to finish the stew. Soon I'm done with a full stomach and tired motions." That just made my night, thanks Jin. I really needed this." Jin rubs his neck and says you're welcome. I smile then let out a yawn." Well it's getting kind of late and I'm sure you guys are busy, let me see you out." I go to get up, only to trip over nothing. I grab something on my way down and I end up on the floor on top of it.

I sit up and open my eyes, to be greeted with Yoongi and his warm hands on my lower thighs. He stares up at me while I look down at him. His face slowly turns this adorable shade of pink as I realize the bittersweet situation we are in. I scurry off of him until my back hits the closest wall. My breathing gets heavier as I review what was just going on. A fire is ignited of embarrassment as I feel horrible for what I did.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could muster to say. He quickly shakes his head and stands up. Offering me his hand I take it and he helps me stand. We stare at each other until we get interrupted by an awkward cough from Jin. We look away from each other and the tension in the air thickens.

Eventually we get to the door and I see two men out. When they leave I feel as though I'm suffocating. I go upstairs to take a cold shower and go to bed as soon as possible.

I lay in my bed with nothing but a lava lamp on and my thoughts. I groan to myself as I think of how stupid I must've looked when I fell. But, the look on Yoongi's face was a sight to see." I think my sickness just got worse." I mumble to myself as I finally go to sleep.

Harmoni can never catch a break can she? I mean she can but there would be no story lol. Anyway I hope you guys liked this. I've started some other books and I still don't know which one I'll be posting but I'll let you guys know soon. Anyway bai loves!💕💕💕

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