Picking Up The Pieces Chapter 1

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Picking Up The Pieces

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely & Nichole Harrison

© All Rights Reserved - 2010

Chapter 1

Watching the rolling hills pass by my window, I felt more and more alone the farther I got away from what I used to call home. I was going to be taking a major step back in order to move the girls and myself forward. I had plans but it was going to take some work to set them in motion.

I looked back to see that the girls were beginning to stir we had been in the moving truck driving for some time now. "Dad we should get lunch for the girls and for you."

"Yeah I suppose you're right we still have a little ways ahead of us." He mentioned as he glanced at the clock.

God, how those words burned my ears 'a little ways' when I really knew it was more than just a little. Finally pulling into a little drive up dinner out off of route 29 we ordered some odds and ends for Sommer and Riley, something for my dad, and I was of course not hungry at all. Who would be on a day like today?

Food on board and back on the road, I turned on the radio to drown out some of my own thoughts. There was nothing that could have prepared me for this turn of events, everything in me said that it was wrong and I should go back. Why go back to a man that doesn't want to be in love with me anymore? He loves me alright sat there and watched me walk out the door with his daughters in tow, not saying a word. I'm sure there are going to be fights to come because after all he did mention the "D" word. I dare not say it in front of the children they may not know what's going on at this moment in time but I will not say divorce so that their little ears burn with worry and sadness. I glance back once again my thoughts burning a hole in my heart and see those two beautiful little faces, their mousy brown hair, and I know when they open their eyes, all I will see Mike inside there. They have his intense baby blue eyes that just melt you when they are sad, and sorrowful.

I want to be able to protect them from all the things in this world that are evil and wrong. Things that are not supposed to happen to families like ours, or at least I wish it had not happened. One day they will fall in love and God help them, to remain that way. Because I'm here to tell you that it hurts like hell having to fall out of love with someone, convincing the children that everything will be okay, and that no matter what, their daddy will never stop loving them.

I was resting my head back against the seat trying to even out my breathing when I heard little Riley "Mommy I'm hungry, and thirsty." I smiled to myself knowing she would be the first to wake and ask for something to eat. That's my baby and I know her best.

"Okay, Ry what would you like to eat? We have fries and nuggets."

"Nuggets!!" Always my nugget girl they could live on nuggets and hot dogs alone. It always amazed me how simple children are or can be at times. Why as adults do we have to be so complicated? So hard to follow and analyze?

Parts of me want to go back and smack Mike in the face and tell him to wake the hell up this is real life you can't just write us off and keep on going. But there was no turning back once I walked out that door, what about our babies?

Keeping true to his word, he was not in love with me anymore and no amount of fighting could make me change his mind. Believe you me I tried with all of my might to get him to see the brighter side of things and just work it out with me. Once I thought better of it I got on the phone with a few friends of mine and my parents and told them that "Lyndsey was coming home!"

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