Picking Up The Pieces Chapter 2

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Picking Up The Pieces

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely & Nichole Harrison

© All Rights Reserved - 2010

Chapter 2

It had only been a few days since the three of us had moved into the house and already I felt like I was in prison. There was no escaping mom and her "help" with the girls, I had to start looking for a job and quick, something to get me out of this place. Dad was saying very little to me at all, I knew that he would be the one happier than I when we would be leaving.

I needed to get out of the house, even for a little while, so I decided to drive into town and put my name out there with some job applications. I would start small and then go from there working my way up once I could save up to get a car to drive further out to the next town. Mike had left me with nothing but my name, and half of our possessions that he no longer wanted to remind him of me.

While in town I found a few places that were hiring the pharmacy being the one place I really wanted to work just because it was the more "respectable" job. Walking out of the pharmacy, I ran smack into a baby stroller with a cute little child in it I didn't have the time to decide if it was a girl or a boy before I looked up, "Oh my God Krista?"

"Lyndsey? Look at you! You haven't changed a bit, your body is still hot." She gushed as she flashed a sparkling smile my way.

"Whatever, how in the hell are you?"

"I'm good considering." As she pointed down at the child sitting in the stroller.


"Nope just stole her for the weekend, of course she is mine silly." She chuckled as looked back down at the obvious little girl. "This is Lily."

I didn't want to get into a long conversation that I knew would take up more than half of my afternoon "Hey, I'm sorry to cut this short but it was really good to see you. You should call me sometime, we need to catch up."

I handed her my phone number walking away hoping that she would call sooner rather than later and we could catch up. I needed a release, someone that was on my level to talk to and not my mom.

I put in three more job applications before heading back to my parents house, it felt like I had only been gone five minuets when I pulled in the driveway. "Where have you been?" I hear dad yelling from the front porch.

"Well I was in town putting in job applications." I answered quickly as I got out of the car slinging my purse over my shoulder.

"At least your making yourself good for something, now move I have to go." I huffed as I moved out of his way allowing him to get into the driver's seat and take off.

Whatever, I thought to myself, it would be better off around here with him gone for a while. Walking into the house I could smell lunch, mom was standing over the stove singing to herself.

"You're just in time to eat with the girls and I." Mom chirped as she swayed to the song she was singing.


Both of the girls came running into the kitchen as we all sat down to eat some grilled cheese and tomato soup. Mmm reminded me of the good old days, just mom and I eating together while dad was off doing whatever it was that he does. After lunch I did my part and cleaned up the kitchen for mom, while she took the girls out for a walk around their property. I heard my phone ringing from in the other room as I ran to get it before I missed the call it was a number I didn't know. Hmm, I thought, who could it be as I answered, "Hello..."

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