Chapter 7

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"You don't hear things that are bad about your company unless you ask. It is easy to hear good tidings, but you have to scratch to get the bad news." - Thomas J. Watson.

The shower had somehow helped Saniya to calm down and gain her composure. She turned the water on and took five minutes just to adjust the tempreture because she was going to sit down in the cubicle for a while to contemplate her situations and didn't want to simultaneously change the tempreture. After a short time period, she sat on the cubicle floor against the warm tiled wall and tucked her knees in slightly, locking her arms around them.

To start off with, she tried to ignore the fact that Lana thought she'd basically campaign to kick her out of the house if she told her that she was with child. 

Yeah, the baby was a drunk mistake, but Niall seems pretty happy with the idea of starting a family.

Saniya knew fully well that Lana and Niall's relationship [though lasting very long] was still sort of fragile in a sense that marriage pretty much freaked them out. After six and a half years, they were still in the honeymoon-phase and they seemed to think that the whole legal/official thing could change all of that. The one thing with this theory that really pissed Saniya off was that they already technically lived together and anyone could tell that they were going somewhere bright and they could pretty much handle anything.

To be perfectly honest, Saniya wasn't entirely sure what exactly she was so angry about. There was the list of perfectly justified reasons, however there was always one which would stand out from the rest, the one to which all the anger was directed.

It could've been the simple fact that the two were best friends and had known each other for over a decade finally fell out, or the fact that there was a dying cancer patient in the hospital or the incident from nine and a half years ago which was coming back to stab her in the face. Yeah, the face.

Yeah, another thing on her mind - that sick eleven year old. Noah was lying on his death bed with no solutions or any crazy ideas to get him off it with his parents making it worse by crying for most of the time.

Perhaps that sounded harsh, but Saniya had felt that these sort of situations were bad enough without your family members breaking out the water works.

She had been so sure about the clot theory and yet the scan came back negative.

The more you do the more you care, the more you care the more you've got to lose. Though Saniya had a tough exterior and interior, she'd always had a painful habit of becoming too attached to certain things - whether it was was the Harry Potter series or people or the written conversations she'd had with her Starkid-buddy during Year Seven, Eight and Nine French classes [she was grateful to drop French for GCSE]. It sounded vain, but if she was being honest, this was probably the one out of very few things Saniya hated about herself; for someone with an abnormally low voice for a girl, who had never cried or expressed her emotions very well, she'd get a horrible weight in the pit of her stomach when she'd leave certain people or end certain things.

Saniya just wanted Lana to have talked to her as soon as this came around because delaying it [or much worse - finding out when Lana didn't want her to] made it much worse [and it wouldn't have been bad in the first place]. She wanted the clot to disappear along with the symptoms it caused, or for the ability for them to track it down and get it out.

She wasn't sure what exactly she was hoping for: an Epiphany, a miracle or a cheesy light bulb! moment? Any would have been amazing for any of the problems, though Saniya felt that a solution for the cancer patient trumped anything else on her list.

Waiting For This Cough Syrup to Come Down (this version discontinued)  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ