Chapter 12

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"To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time." - Leonard Bernstein.

Saniya's eyes flickered and she closed them again before opening them fully to adjust to the burst of light. The sunlight streamed through the blinds and covered the room in a comforting greenish glow. Directly in front of her face was Zayn, his eyes still glued shut - obviously: it was only seven in the morning. Seeing the calming image of his peaceful face woke up the millions of damn butterflies in her stomach - their faces were only a few inches apart. 

But it didn't feel like seven in the morning, which was what she thought as she sat up. For one, she felt a lot more awake (even though she didn't feel like she'd gotten sufficient amount of sleep anyway). She'd passed out around ten last night and woken up at eleven thirty. At half two, she began attempting to wake Zayn up. After he did, he fell asleep around three thirty. She slept at five. Only three and a half hours of sleep all together. 

She yawned and rubbed her eyes, blinked hard and stood up, feeling dizzy when she did. Then she saw the time.

"Holy shit," she whispered.

It didn't feel like seven in the morning because it wasn't seven in the morning. Noah's operation was scheduled for eleven thirty. It was quarter to nine. She'd gotten two extra hours of sleep, but it didn't help her at all. She had to leave within fifteen minutes to get there in time and though it didn't take her long to get ready, a quarter of an hour was pushing it.

She ran to her cupboard and pulled out the clothes from yesterday - she'd be changing into scrubs anyway once she got there. Foul curses ran through her head as she scrambled around the room feeling lost, confused and disorientated. She didn't worry about waking Zayn up - it took a lot to get him to open his eyes.

She got changed and planted a yellow Post-It note on Zayn's forehead, reminding him of where she was and what time she'd be back, also requesting a ride home.

She was out the front door at exactly two minutes past nine.

Although she was a doctor, who enforced health rules innately, she skipped breakfast and ran down the pavements to the train station. Nine o'clock was late for rush hour, but there were still quite a few people there. She managed to grab a seat and tried concentrating on the newspaper she'd nicked from the seat opposite instead of everything else/

"Sorry I'm late," she muttered, embarrassed when she saw that everyone else was gathered in the OR except for her. She fixed her pale green shirt and waited, only seven minutes to spare before she would have been late.

 At quarter past eleven, Noah was taken into the operation room.

He was laid on the table by three nurses, a quiet murmur in the atmosphere whilst he was.

"Hey buddy," Saniya muttered, smiling reassuringly at him, bending over him so that her face was parallel to his. "You alright?"

"Less than I was a few minutes ago," he replied quietly.

Noah did look uncharacteristically nervous. He kept chewing on his bottom lip and his eyes darted around the OR, trying to take in as much as he could without moving his head or the rest of his body.

A nurse caught Saniya's attention, tapping her and holding a colourless mask.

"Time for the anesthesia," Saniya said, looking at Noah. "Don't worry. You'll be out of here before you know it." She moved out of the way for the nurse.

"Deep breath, honey," she said, placing the mask over his face, which covered his mouth and nose.

Noah's eyes fluttered before they rolled back and his eyelids shut completely and the nurse removed the mask from his face.

Waiting For This Cough Syrup to Come Down (this version discontinued)  Where stories live. Discover now