Chapter 18

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OK, so I'm possibly the worst 'author' in existence (great start to the chapter, right?). But in basic terms, I don't reply to comments, I don't read the stories which people ask me to, I don't have a regular updating schedule and whenever I come up with one, I only stick to it for about two weeks. So all this guilt's been building up and I feel like I need to clear the air a bit.

It's mainly work. I don't know about anyone outside of the UK education system, but it gets VERY stressful when you get to my point.

And it's such a common excuse because I bet practically all Wattpad authors are in school or university, so we all have work to do and maybe this makes the work excuse so unbelievable - because it's used so often.

I'm still figuring out a schedule around school, homework, revison, voluntary work, athletics and writing so they all get a decent amount of time. It's not too organised if you haven't noticed. But I'm still working through it all and as much as I love writing, I need to do my work first.

This is the longest Author's Note ever. Sorry :/

But on that note, here's Chapter 18 for those still reading :)


“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.” - Brandi Snyder.

"So what exactly needs doing?" I sighed.

My cousin checked the list on her phone. "Er ... Place settings, food, flowers and we still have to sort out your Something Old-New-Borrowed-Blue."

I stopped walking. "My what?" I shoved my hands in the pockets of my white hoodie. I knew what she was talking about, but I didn't exaclty want to do it.

She rolled her eyes. "You know what I'm talking about!"

"Soph, I'm not going to put effort into that stuff. I want to get through everything I need first, then I'll consider it."

People were starting to stare a little. We stood on some street in Central London which I didn't know since we'd moved around so much. It was a few days after Zayn had come out of the hospital and I had moved back with my aunt to sort out the wedding. It was sooner than planned since Zayn had to go around basically the entire world to promote his new album. As you do.

It wasn't only our topic of conversation that caught people's attention. The fact that it was Zayn Malik's wedding and his future wife discussing it brought us to light. I'd never liked the attention and being five foot eleven didn't help with hiding myself. 

Sophia narrowed her eyes. "You'll consider it?"

The problem was, Sophia knew things. Blackmail and manipulative things - and if I thought was good at manipulating people, I was nothing compared to her. People thought I was tough - they haven't met my cousins.

I sighed exasperately and started walking again; Sophia followed in persuit. "My wedding outfit's new, my jewellry's old since it was Mum's and I'm borrowing your shoes."

You wuss.

"So where do we go next?" Sophia asked, clearly happy with my response. I hate my cousins.

Sophia was my first cousin on Mum's side, daughter of my Mum's third-oldest sister (Mum was the youngest). She was three years older than I was, married and with a daughter, and along with her older sister, Maha, they were like the annoying older sisters I'd never wanted. 

They weren't too girly or different to myself, but I had low patience with them at times and they loved to piss me off.

"Well Khalti called and said that we had to be at that fancy florist place thingy at three and it's quarter to, so I guess we'll go there," I said shrugging and remembering that Zayn was in charge of flowers. I think, I mean we never established that it was a solid job, but it would be something I could use to tease him about later.

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