The Anger

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Shadows anger can destroy everyone but it mostly destroys herself. She makes everyone angry and they break and end up crying. Shadow really wants to say sorry but the bad said of her doesn't let her because if she does says sorry for what she had done she will do more cuts and she just can't stop it until she breaks more and ends up in a pool that floods her eyes. She wished that she would of said sorry in the first place but she just couldn't do it. It angers her more and it gets her triggered much more easily. Shadow is a bully to her family and she heard what her mother had said "I wish I never adopted you, you don't deserve love you deserve pain." After that Shadow messed up her words and that she wished that too.
Shadow went to the mess room and slept on the freezing floor. She only ate lunch that day and her stomach hurting in pain and thinking of not eating again for a while. Shadow still full of true anger that could burst out at any moment. Now Shadows mother is angry at her and she no longer trust her about her feelings. Shadow can't trust anyone with her feelings. Soon she will be filled with hate and no one will love her.
The bad side of her became more of her and the happy her is almost gone. She will never be happy. No one will help her at all. They can try but it'll never work. Everything becomes nothing important to her anymore.

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