Chapter 13

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Lance POV

I have to stop this treaty or at least delay it.
"Hey Kieth..?"
"I have a idea for stopping the treaty."
"Which is..?"
"When we get to the place, I'll go ahead and challenge Lotor. You go and get Pidge and Shiro to talk. I might end up only delaying it, but they need time to talk to each other."
"Alright" Keith said "just be careful."
"I will, plus if I don't who's going to protect you?" I say as I wrap him in my arms.

We then made our way towards the deck. Shiro was sitting there, he looked as though someone took his heart and stomped all over it. We started talking to him and Hunk arrived soon after.

Pidge arrived and Shiro was the first to notice. She didn't look up from the floor.
"Pidge you look beautiful" Shiro said to her as she continued to avoid looking at him.
"T-thank you" she choked out.
"Are you ready Paladins?" Allura said obviously not reading the room.
"We have to go whether we're ready or not" Shiro said.

I walk with Keith towards the lions. Before boarding the lions, Keith pulls me aside.
"You know what your doing right?"
"Don't worry, they don't call me the tailor for nothing" a small giggle erupts from Keith. He's so cute. He kisses me but before walking away he says, "Be careful, we don't know what he's planning."

We each board our separate lions. This plan needs to go off with out without a hitch.

~~at the meeting grounds~~

I get out of Pidge's lion and run towards Keith and engulf him in a hug.
"I'm going to go distract Lotor, you get them talking" I kiss him.
"Good luck" I ran off towards the room.

I open the door and Lotor's smile turned to a frown when he realized I was the only one there.
"Where is she?"
"I'll tell you if you you can beat me."
"What is your challenge?" Lotor said intrigued.
"Dance battle D.D.R style"
"What is this D.D.R you speak of? Is it this?" Points to an alien version of a D.D.R machine.
"Alright, What would happen if I lose"
"Pidge doesn't have to marry you"
"If I win then you shall tell me where she is and guarantee that she will be my bride"
"Your on"

*watch video but like this takes them at least a hour*

How did he beat me? I'm the master of D.D.R.
"Now where is she?"
I follow behind him as we walk outside. As he opened the door, steam was coming out of
his ears. Then I see what he's so mad at.

Hello lovely people!! I hope you enjoyed chapter 13!! What is Lotor so mad at? Please comment and vote!

Who will she choose [Voltron Lotor x Pidge x Shiro ]Where stories live. Discover now