Chapter 2

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You dropped your bag on the floor and slumped your body on your bed. Staring at the ceiling for a while, you grabbed your Kumamon plushie, buried your face on it and screamed. You took a deep breath to calm yourself.

"Then make me."

Those words kept ringing in your ears and it makes you really annoyed. His voice, his eyes, his dimples, his smug smile, irritates the hell out of you. "I so hate you Lee Jooheon." You kicked your legs in the air and let out another frustrated groan before standing  up and stripping out of your uniform.


It was a chilly morning when you came to school the next day. Fall is almost over and the colder season is coming. You forgot to wear your sweater and you're just hoping you won't catch a flu. The cold wind blew right on you, leaving goosebumps on your skin under your uniform skirt. You adjusted the strap of your bag on your shoulders and hugged yourself, rubbing your arms as you pace down the street towards the school gates. Nancy was already waiting for you, thick pink scarf around her neck, and bouncing with giddiness in the early morning.

"Y/N!" You hate to say but you've already expected her to be with her boyfriend. So when you stopped in front of her, you noticed she was alone. You animatedly searched her sides and behind her. "What're you doing?" She chuckled.

"He's not with you? Good. I don't wanna see his face. C'mon." You grinned and pulled her to walk but immediately stopped on your tracks when you heard that voice. That annoyingly smooth voice.

"Looking for me?" You don't have to look back to know who that was. You have guessed that your senior life is going to be like this everyday, seeing his annoying face and hearing his annoying voice. Geez. You badly needed a plan to get him out of you and your best friend's life before things get worse for the both of you.

"Oppa!" Nancy jumped in her place and rushed to his side, of course, dragging you along. Jooheon smiled warmly at her before turning his eyes at you and his smile curling up into a grin. You scoffed and looked away. He was with his gang: Yoongi on his side, the three other boys at the back. All eyes were on your group as you walk towards the entrance and on the hallway. You feel awkward though you know no one's looking at you. Of course they already knew that the prettiest girl in school and the famous playboy are dating. Girls are swooning over them, some lingers on the hallways, and some trailing behind them like groupies.

You turned to look at Yoongi. His blonde hair swaying softly on his forehead as he walks. He looked like he doesn't care, just looking straight ahead. Then your eyes landed on Jooheon.

It isn't the first time you have seen him up close after meeting him yesterday, but goodness, his side profile is something else. His raven black hair resting just above his brows, his expressive eyes (which you hated the most), his perfectly shaped nose, his plump and naturally tinted lips that were slightly parted, and damn, that jaw. Sharp and well-defined jaw making you wonder how good it must feel if you graze your lips along- Wait. What the fuck?

You mentally kicked yourself for actually having those thoughts about your most hated person. You pulled your eyes away from him before he catches you staring but you didn't know, he already caught you checking him out and that made his lips curl up into a smirk.

Dugeun. Dugeun.

You clutched your chest and let out a gasp.

Dugeun. Dugeun.

What the hell is wrong with you? Your heart never behaved this way even when you see Yoongi. Your glanced back at Jooheon and saw him staring at you with a small smile across his face.

Dugeun. Dugeun.

It was beating faster now, you can hear it on your ears. You immediately looked away with your eyes wide. What the hell is happening to you?

"Bye, Oppa! See you later!" Nancy chimed and you even haven't noticed that you already reached your room because you were too caught up with the way your heart is pounding inside your chest.


For the whole time during the classes, you kept thinking about what happened that morning; how your heart raced that fast you're surprised it didn't explode and giving you a heart attack right there and then, how you actually thought about kissing him and admiring his features when you actually hate everything about him, and for fuck's sake, he's your best friend's boyfriend. Soon to be ex-boyfriend, for that matter, 'cause you don't want precious Nancy to get stuck up with a playboy like him.

You excused yourself from class and went to the girls' washroom. After taking a few deep breaths in front of the mirror, you washed your face hoping the unwanted thoughts you have in your mind will get taken away. Patting your face dry, you heard a whistle from behind you and almost jumped in shock when you saw the culprit taking over your mind leaning on the washroom's entry way, hands on his pockets and giving you a sly smirk.

"What the hell are you doing here? This is the girls' washroom!" You hissed but your voiced actually came out like a croak. And there it goes again, your heart, beating like crazy, at the sight of him.

"No one else is here so it's okay. I came here to see you." He stood back up from leaning and started walking towards you. You panicked and took steps backwards until your backside hit the sink. "W-What do you want f-from me?" You wanted to hit yourself for stuttering.

"I just want to know something." He stopped just a few steps away from you. Hands still on his pockets, he tilted his head and looked at you straight on your eyes. You fought hard to look back on him, staring into his eyes. Dang, since when did his eyes looked this pretty? "Why do you hate me so much?"

"I-I just do. You're a playboy. Stay away from Nancy."

"Won't do. Unless I find another girl I should date."

What an asshole. So he said it himself, he's just playing with her until he's done and then leave her for another girl.

You tried to harden your stare at him, but he just gave you another smile that made your legs wobble. Thank goodness, there's the sink where you're holding on to.

"S-Stay away from her. You're just going to hurt her."

"Then find me another girl." Why can't he do it himself? Doesn't he have hundreds of girls who were probably throwing themselves at him?

"On second thought, I think I found her already." You gulped when he slowly leaned in closer, his face just mere inches away from yours.

"I think I should date... you."

No fucking way.


This chapter is supposed to be longer but the news about Jonghyun is affecting me so much. I can't focus and my other Shawol self is weeping. 😢😢

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