Tour Bus and Nightmares

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Ally's Pov.

"Please fasten your seat belts, the plane will be arriving in 5 minutes." 

Finally! I've been waiting for this stupid plane to land for the longest time. I started to pack my book, ear buds and pillow back in my bag as the plane began to descend. It started to get a bit wobbly because of turbulence but wasn't anything bad. I felt the wheels touch the ground and the plane began to develop a lot of G-Force as the breaks were trying to slow the plane down. We eventually reached a normal speed, so the captain did his usual 'thank you for choosing American Airlines' blah blah blah. We all got up and grabbed our stuff and exited the plane first as we were in first class. We all headed down to luggage claim so we could get to the our tour bus and get some sleep. I know what you're thinking, believe it or not when you're on a plane for like 12 hours you should be wide awake! Well we're not, we're dead tired and can't wait to get some sleep. Once we got down and grabbed our luggage we handed them to some people who would take them to our bus for us, while we went to the bathroom.

Once we got out of the bathroom we left o find our bus. I don't know why I said that we needed to find it, because I'm pretty sure we're the only people with a giant tour bus with our faces on it. But ya know, whatever. We walked outside and saw our bus and it looked amazing!! All the girls immediately perked up and started jumping around and we got some pictures in front of it to post on instagram and twitter. Then the need for sleep hit us and we stumbled onto the bus and into our bunks. We all picked our bunks, it went Dinah (top), me (middle), Normani (bottom) and on the other side it went Lauren (top), Jessie (middle), Camilla (bottom). Oh great I'm bunk buddies with Jessie... Why. We all climbed into our bunks and all immediately passed out in our clothes. 

I woke up to crying, who was crying in the middle of the night. Wait is it the middle of the night? I checked my phone and sure enough it was 12:06 a.m. Ugh I listened and noticed it was coming from Jessie's bunk. I quickly jumped out of bed and pulled back the curtains to hers.I looked in and noticed she was still sleeping, which means she's probably having a nightmare. "Jessie! Wake up!" I started to shake her gently. She shot up and was panting heavily as tears kept flowing down her cheeks. I climbed in and she immediately wrapped her arms around me and sobbed quietly. "Hey hey, whats wrong baby girl?" I asked while rocking her trying to calm her down. 

"I had a nightmare." She sobbed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. 

"Umm so there was this guy and he took me away from you and then he killed you guys and I was left in the street with nothing and people were shouting mean names and stuff at me and it wouldn't stop." She said in one breath. Wow she'd be upset over loosing us already? She hasn't even known us for like a week. "I know I haven't known you guys for a long time but I feel a really strong connection with everyone already." She said. Wow its like she can read my mind. 

"Don't worry baby girl, I'll always be here for you! All the girls will, alright? And I promise even if Mila gets so mad at you, I'll always be here for you." Did I really just say that?

"Thanks Allycat, you're awesome. I love you." She said snuggling into me. Did she just say that?? OMG heart you need to calm down before she notices. I'm going to die.

"I love you too baby" I said. "Wait I thought you said you didn't like nicknames like 'baby' and 'baby girl'?" I asked.

"Oh well it sounds good when you say it. So only you get to call me stuff like that." She said calmly meanwhile my heart was about to burst out of my chest! Dear lord help me. I started to get up to go back to my bunk to leave her alone but she stopped me, "No please stay." She said with pleading eyes. 

"Ok, but we should try and get some sleep for tomorrow, alright?" I said wrapping my arms around her. 

"Ok, night Allycat. Love you." She said. And within a couple of seconds she had fallen asleep. 

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know." 




Dammnnn the Jally feels are back in action!!!! Kinda... Lol sorry for crushing you guys in the last chapter, I was actually not going to post it. BUT I DID. So how are you guys doing this fine Monday afternoon? I'm currently lying in bed because it is a long weekend!!!!!!!!!! So anyways comment you feelings and ideas! BYEE :) 


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