Perfect Date

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Thanks to @Guy_Harmonizer for all the votes and comments, and for the follow! :) 

Jessie's Pov.

I don't know where we're going, where we are or anything at all because Antonio blindfolded me. 'Are we there yet?" I asked for about the billionth time. 

"Just keep walking... and you can take the blindfold off now!" He said. I removed the blindfold and saw the most perfect looking date on the planet! 

"Wow... Did you do this all yourself??" I asked shocked. He nodded his head.

"Do you like it?" 

"OMG I LOVE IT!!" I tackled him with a hug. He chuckled before leaning over and kissing my cheek, then pulled me in the direction of the field. 

"So I thought that we could play soccer first that way we don't get any cramps?" He asked in more of a question form. I nodded my head vigorously and ran towards the soccer balls that were stacked neatly at the edge of the field. I missed playing soccer so much. I kicked the ball towards Antonio, who kicked it back. 

"Do you play soccer?" I asked him.

"Umm I don't have much time for it but when I was younger I did!" He said flashing his perfect smile. We kicked the ball back and forth, running around the field for almost an hour, before we finally made our way back to the picnic that was set up. There were candles lit, a pizza, chocolate covered strawberries, drinks, and a camera that were all layed out on the stereo-typical red and white checkered picnic blanket.  Oh and by the way this is all on kind of hill, so you can see New York City. I don't know who's idea it wad to put a soccer field on a giant hill, but it's breath taking. 

After we ate all of the food, which did take quite a while... Antonio pulled out the camera and started taking selfies of us together. They were the stereo-typical couple selfies, with the silly 'sticking out tongue' ones as well as kissing each others cheeks. All of a sudden he stood up and gave me his outstretched hand, offering to help me up. I grabbed his hand and stood up, still holding his hand we walked over to the beautiful view of the city. He raised the camera, kissed my cheek and took a picture. Then he grabbed my cheek and tilted my head towards his, he looked down at my lips and gave me a questioning look asking if it was ok. I nodded my head and we both leaned in. Once our lips touched I felt a volt of electricity run through my body, although it wasn't as powerful as when Ally and I touch. But I was still smiling like an idiot, and my heart was going wild.

He clicked the shutter, then we pulled apart. I pulled him into a hug and said, "This night was perfect, thank you so much Antonio." 

"Anything for you babe. Look I know we've only been on one date but... I really really like you and I really want to call you mine. So Jessie Cabello will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. At that moment my heart sped up dramatically, like the world had just stopped. 

"I would love to." I answered and pecked his cheek. "But we can't tell anyone because if Camila finds out, she'll kill me." I said sadly. 

"Hey hey don't worry! I can be your dirty little secret!" He winked at me, I playfully hit him on the arm. "We should get back before your sister comes home, its 30 minutes to 10." He said. I nodded my head, and we walked back hand in hand to the picnic. We packed up our things and put them in the truck that we came in, before climbing in ourselves and driving back. 

We pulled up into the hotel parking lot, got out and made our way up to my room. I pulled out the key and twisted the door open. I stopped at the door and looked at Antonio. 

"I'll see you soon?" I asked nervously.

"Of course babe. Goodnight." He answered. He pecked my cheek and we both started to turn around. 

"Oh please send me those photos!" I called after him. He nodded his head and jokingly blew a kiss at me. I nodded my head in disapproval before entering my room and closing the door behind me. 

I stripped out of my clothes and back into my pyjamas. I put my clothes away so the girls won't get suspicious and crawled into bed. Unfortunately there were only two beds so we all had to share. I shared with Lauren and Camila, and Ally, Normani and Dinah were in the other. I normally slept in between Lauren and Camila, because they dibsed the edges. 

I started to replay tonight in my mind, and before I knew it, I was asleep. 




Aww I wish a guy would do that for me! Has anyone been on a cute date similar to that? Oh and sorry this was an Antonio and Jessie chapter... What would be a good ship name for them? Does anyone actually like them together? Or are you all Jally supporters? ANYWAYS ENJOY WHATS LEFT OF YOUR MONDAY. BYEE :)


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