Grey Skies Blue Part 5

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"That doesn't matter, what is this?"

"It's something I made that is private."

"Who is this guy?"

"He's an actor Mr. Dawson."

"The things you are talking about and the pictures....Louisa you are to young to be thinking about this stuff."

"What were you doing going threw my stuff?"

"Louisa we saw the look you gave Tabitha and Jasmine and we just wanted to know what you were keeping from us."

"You want to know what I'm keeping from you I'll tell you, I'm in love with that guy who's name is Gale Harold and I plan on getting into a relationship with him if I ever find him."

"Louisa we can understand you have a crush...."

"It's not a crush."

"It's not Mrs. Dawson believe me I know."

"Louisa you can't actually believe...."

"Yes I do, and sense you want to know about stuff when we get home I plan on changing everything in my room and also I plan on going to UCLA when I graduate. Now that you know everything I'll take my book back and sense you ruined my day at the Festival we're going to leave now. Jasmine, Tabitha, you ready to go to the Coca-Cola Factory?"

"Yeah if you still want too."

"Yes, their not going to ruin the rest of our day. And one more thing don't fallow us."

They walked away and her parents just stood there watching them.

"We warned you guys not to do this, we told you to let her come to you but you wouldn't listen, now your just driving her farther away and she's just going to rebel even more."

"But she's thinking about having an relationship with a grown man Becky."

"Yeah thinking about it doesn't mean it's going to happen no matter how much she wants it too."

"Yeah, when I was her age I wanted a relationship with Leif Garrett it never happened and I got over it so will she."

"What would you have done if you saw Tabitha with something like that?"

"Nothing, it's like having a diary putting down your dreams or things you wish would happen that's all it is."

"So your saying we took it to far?"


"Do you think she'll ever talk to us again?"

"Talk to you yes forgive you I don't know."

     All the way to the Coca-Cola Factory it was dead silent in the car, Jasmine and Tabitha knew that Louisa was upset so they just let her be and they knew once she calmed down she'd talk when she was ready.

"I can't believe they went threw my things."

"I can't believe you told them about Gale or UCLA. What about Los Angeles and New York?"

"What do you mean?"

"Now that they know about Gale I don't think they will let you go."

"But they don't know he's in either of those places."

"You told them his name they could look him up and find out."

"Even if they do I'm going even if I have to go myself."

"What are you saying?"

"Your not talking about running away are you?"

"I will if I have too."

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