Grey Skies Turned Blue Part 21

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    Louisa was in Decatur for five days and she loved meeting Gale's family even if some of them were a little stand offish at first and she really didn't want to go back to Atlanta but she knew she had too.

"I know your afraid to run into Patrick but you'll be going back to Austin soon so don't worry about him."

"Yeah your right, I really enjoyed meeting your family."

"Is that the only thing you enjoyed?" He asked with a wicked grin.

"No that wasn't the only thing I enjoyed."

"You can enjoy more of that when you come to New York."

"I can't wait."

      They got back to Atlanta two days later and her parents were waiting at the door.

"What's wrong?"

"Come inside we'll talk about it."

"I want Gale to come in too."


"If it's about Patrick he knows all about it and I want him to hear whatever it is."

"Ok come in Gale." They went inside and Louisa and Gale sat together on the couch.

"What happened?"

"Louisa Patrick came by the other day, he wanted to know when you were coming back."

"What did you tell him?"

"Nothing we told himm to leave."

"He could be outside, he may know I'm back."

"I don't think so Louisa Matthew came and got him and took him home, I'm sure his parents talked to him."

"When has his parents or even Matthew stopped him?" Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Oh God he's here."

"Louisa you don't know that."

"Yes I do it's him, he saw us come back."

"Louisa come down if it was him Matthew would have called me."


"See I told you."

"Ok I'm calling Matthew."

"I'm going out there and talk to him."

"No Gale don't."

"I told you I won't let him hurt you."

"I'll go with you, I have somethings I want to say to that boy." Mr. Dawson said.

Gale and Mr. Dawson went outside and when Patrick saw Gale he got upset but when he saw Mr. Dawson he froze.

"Mr. Dawson can I please talk to Louisa, I know she's here I saw her come back with him."

"Well I'm her boyfriend and I want you to leave her alone."

"She's not your girl...."

"Yes she is and she wants nothing to do with you."

"You are not going to see my daughter and just so you know we will be leaving tomorrow so do not try to contact her."

"Please Mr. Dawson I know what I did was wrong but I know if Louisa just lets me explain everything will be ok." Just then Jasmine came to the door.

"Gale Louisa's freaking out she wants you."

"Ok tell her I'll be right there."


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