Grey Skies Turned Blue Part 19

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 Matthew secured everything in Patrick's room to make sure he could leave with out him knowing.

"Go to bed."

"Why did you have to tell them, their going to call Dr. Olsen tomorrow."

"You need help Patrick, don't you realize Louisa is afraid of you."

"No she's not Jasmine is just making it seem that way."

"Has Louisa ever told you to leave her alone?"

"Only be....."

"Has she ever told you to leave her alone yes or no?"


"Has she said she wants to talk to you?"


"Well why don't you listen to her?"

"Because she's only saying it becaus of Jasmine and Tabitha."

"So how do you explain her going to meet this guys family tomorrow?"


"Gale's talking her to meet his family."

"But they just meet why would he take her to meet his family?"

"He really likes her Patrick that's why. You have to let this go because the only thing that's going to happen if you don't is you'll get hurt and you'll have to go back to the hospital, is that what you want?"

"No I don't want to go back there."

"Then forget about Louisa, let her go on with her life and you go on with yours."

"Can I at least see her to apologize?"

"No if you truly want to apologize you can write her a letter and I'll take it over to her myself."


"I just have to Matthew."

"No Patrick, your just not going to stop no matter what I say. Just go to bed."

Patrick lays down on his bed but he can't go to sleep.

"What time is he going to get her?"

"I don't know but even if I did I wouldn't tell you."

"Why are you doing this Matthew, we're suppose to be cousins, we're suppose to have each others backs."

"Not with something like this. Patrick I can't stand by and watch you hurt that girl or yourself."

"I would never hurt Louisa."

"Patrick your getting so delutional you don't know what you would do."

"Just let me go see her tomorrow and then I promise I'll leave her alone."

"No Patrick, just go to sleep."

"Where are you going to be?"

"Right here by the door."

"You can't sleep on the floor."

"Yes I can, I've done it before now go to sleep." Patrick tried going to sleep but he couldn't, every time he closed his eyes he saw Louisa's face or he saw her kissing Gale. He thought about getting out and going to see her but Matthew was right by the door and he would have to climb over him to get out, he could try going out the window but Matthew rigged that as well so he had no way to get out. He just layed there thinking about Louisa and hoping that his parents wouldn't call Dr. Olsen.

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