Tiny Dancer

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"CIEL. GET YO ASS OVER HERE NOW." Alois shouts in my ear. I hang up the phone, he is always so dramatic. 

"Alois let me in!" he grabs my arm and pulls me into his disgusting room that he tries to clean. Tries.  "Why did you want me to-" He interrupts, "THE DANCE TOMORROW NIGHT." I roll my eyes, "Alois I already told you I'm not going to that stupid dance." Alois' eyes widen, "it is not stupid. PLUS now that you are dating Sebastian, you have to."  "Sebastian is embarrassed of me, Alois. I already talked to him, he's going with Lori." Shouldn't of said that... "THAT IS IT I'M CALLING HIM NOW." See what I mean by him being dramatic? 


"maybe... look, you don't understand Alois."


"ALOIS. Look you know how homophobic our school is I'm trying to save our asses."


I quickly grab his phone and hang up. I'm gonna rip this imbecile a new asshole with a firepoker. "Alois? HaH. Why the FUCK did you do that?" He snaps, "NO. Ciel you listen to me. You have to go to this dance. Please."

"...I'll think about it..."

"I thought about it. Guess who's gonna, quote, march into a gross sweaty gym?" I can hear Alois' excitement through the phone. "and, guess who's going with Sebastian?" I can tell he's shocked. "Wait. Not like that. I mean I'm going with him, but I'm not GOING with him, does that make sense?" he brightens up, "not really but your coming over and we're getting ready together, see ya around 5!!!!" He hangs up and I look at the time. Fuck it's already 4. I hop out of my bed and throw pajama pant on. Now what am I gonna wear?

I grab my bag of clothes and makeup box, and head for the door to walk to Alois'. 

"CIEL!!! GET IN HERE!!!!" I walk into his room to see his bed covered in colorful clothes and shoes. Damn I wish I had that many clothes. My outfits consist of hoodies and jeans most the time. He throws a mini skirt at me, "try this on!" "Are you crazy?? I am not wearing a mini skirt." he looks back at me and frowns, "Oh come on you have the perfect thighs for it!" I look down at my chubby thighs and sigh, "no. I brought my own stuff." He cocks his head to the side and lifts an eyebrow, "I swear Ciel, if you pull a hoodie out of that bag imma-" "Hey! I actually put some effort in what I'm wearing.". I pull the draw strings and pull out a white button-shirt, and a skirt thats short in the front and goes to my ankles in back, covered in white crosses. Alois' mouth hangs open, "ARE YOU ACTUALLY WEARING THAT???" I nod confidently, "yep." he comes over me and hugs me, "my sweet babay is coming out of his anxiety filled shell... WANNA SEE WHAT I'M WEARING??" I chuckle, "sure."

Alois hops out of his bathroom with a short fully sequenced dress, clearly loose at the top for his non-existent boobs. "you like??" I nod, "sure" he rolls his eyes, "well your much help. Get your makeup bag and get in here." I run to his room, grab my box and walk back in the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. He turns towards me and grins, "Can I do you makeup...?" My face goes blank, "NO."

Alois turns around, his face caked full of products. I just put some dark purple matte lipstick on and some mascara. He smiles and kisses my head. He does that to much. Yet again we've been friends for 9 years. 

"I can not believe we are going to the dance!!!" I chuckle. He always goes to social stuff I don't understand why he gets so excited. We pull in the parking lot... right next to Sebastian and Loris car. We get out and pass by them. "Hey! Ciel!" Alois glances over at me and whispers, "Don't give in." I turn around and smile, "hey!" He signals me over. I look over at Alois and smile, "You can go on inside" he rolls his eyes.

"Hey, wow." I look at him confused, "What?" He smiles and looks up and down me, "I never thought I would see you in a skirt" I let out a breath laugh, "yeah. Thought I would offend a few people tonight with my cross skirt" He laughs and Lori comes out from around the car, her usual fake smile showing. Sebastian flashes me a look that screams "DON'T FUCK UP." I smile at her, "Hello" she waves and grabs Sebastians arm. I swallow hard. "Shall we go in?" Sebastian says, feeling the tension between us. She smiles, AGAIN. This bitches jaws gonna hurt by the end of the night. Sebastian looks over at Lori, "Hey, is um... is it okay if Ciel hangs out with us tonight?" Her face goes blank, "uh. oh um, sure..." I look at Sebastian, "wait. I can go with Alois. I don't want to intrude you two. At any moment you can tell me to leave" They nod. 

I immediately try to find Alois. I scan through the crowd and see him dancing with some tall guy. I run over and grab him, pulling him out of the crowd. "HEY HEY HEY HEY!!! LET GO!!" Once we're out of the crowd I turn to him, "I can't do this." He rolls his eyes, "oh come on. Just try to get along with her." He runs back to the guy, leaving me alone. I go straight for the bathroom. I close myself in the stall and pull my phone out. 

"Ciel? You in here?" Sebastians voice rings in my ears. I open the stall and step out, my skirt flowing behind me. He smiles and comes over, "hey, why aren't you out there?" I sigh, "I dunno. You are with Lori and Alois is out there grinding on some guy." He chuckles, "Oh come on, me and Lori are going to eat after this, want to go with us?" I swing my head up, "Sebastian?? Your not even listening to me! I. Don't. Like. Her... I feel like you don't even like me." He steps closer to me and puts his hand on my face, "Ciel. I'm sorry. I didn't realize it hurt you this much. They are about to play a slow song... wanna dance...?" I look up at him, "no. Go dance with her. I don't care anymore." I walk out of the bathroom and stand in the gym doorway. I watch Sebastian walk by me. He... he... he didn't even acknowledge me. I hold back tears. My favorite song, Tiny Dancer by Elton John starts playing and everyone starts coming together. I sigh. Tonight was horrible. I knew I shouldn't of came. I watch Sebastian and Lori dance as my heart breaks to the beat of my favorite song. 

Sebastian pulls away from her and starts to walk to the doorway. He comes up to me. I can't give in to him. I try to walk away and he grabs my hand. I turn around stare in in the eyes. He smiles and bows, "may I have this dance?" I let out  a sigh and smile. He holds my hand as we walk across the gym.

Sebastian pulls me close to him and I lay my head on his shoulder. I look over his shoulder to see Lori running out the doors. I giggle, and Sebastian looks at me, "what?" I smile, " oh nothing." 

The song fades and Sebastian looks me in the eyes and smiles. I stand on my tip-toes and plant a small kiss on his cheek. He blushes and pulls me in a kiss. ... This is not happening. This is the first time he's kissed me... This is amazing. We pull apart and he smiles down at me. 

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