What a New Year...

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"WE WILL BE ANNOUNCING WINNERS AT THE END OF THE FESTIVAL!!!" A short man wearing overalls yells to the crowd. I look up at Sebastian, "What are the chances we actually win the trip?" He looks at me and cocks an eyebrow, "Oh come on you can at least try to be optimistic, just think if we actually win and get to go to New York City" he says exaggerating the word City. I sigh through my nose and listen to the kids' playing and screaming, "I guess." Sebastian nudges me as we walk away from the raffle ticket stand, "It's always been my dream to go to New York on New Years..." 

"OH SHIT ON MY BIG LORDY CHEESE DIC-" Sebastian covers my mouth and pulls me away from the stand. He gives me a stern look, "Ciel. We are surrounded CHILDREN." I jump, "I DON'T CARE SEBASTIAN. I SHOULD OF WON THAT STUFFED MONKEY." He rolls his eyes, "Ciel, I swear to-" someone comes on the speakers and cuts him off, "Hello Folks! We hope yall' are having a great time at our festival! We will now be selecting a raffle number, if you got a raffle ticket for the New York trip, please make your way to the stage" Sebastian looks at me with obvious hope in his eyes. I should at least try to be happy, for him.  

We get to the stand with only a few other families. Sebastian reaches over and grabs my hand, I look up at him, "You really want to win this don't you" He nods and smiles.  More and more families and couples show up and the announcer walks out on the wooden stage. "Hello everyone, welcome back to the stage! Now we can only give the tickets to one family, please be respectful and cheer for the lucky winners. Good luck to everyone!" Sebastian squeezes my hand tighter. I reach in my pocket and pull out the sweat-damp blue piece of paper. 684. An older woman wheels out one of those ball cages used in Bingo. "Alright, please take out your tickets and stay silent, we will now roll numbers." Everyone goes silent. In a old, shaky, quiet, voice the woman speaks in the microphone, She rolls the cage, "...6..." Rolls, "...8..." I slap Sebastians arm so hard the family in front of us looks back. He looks at my ticket and his eyes widen. "...and the last number... john! whats this ball say??" The announcer quickly runs on stage and whispers to her. She sets the ball down and rolls again. The tension in the room grows. She rolls, "...4..." She looks out in the crowd and smiles that cute innocent granny smile, showing her one front tooth. Me and Sebastian look at each other, our faces blank. The announcer 'john' runs on stage, "Will the winners please come up on stage!!" Sebastian grabs my arm and pulls me through the crowd. This can't be happening. Nothing ever happens to me. Sebastian fast-walks up the stage stairs and I stay at the bottom. The announcer puts his arm around Sebastian and smiles,

 "Hello, whats your name, young man!?"/ "Sebastian."

"Alright, and who are you here with?"/ "My bo-... My friend, Ciel. He's at the bottom of the stairs"

fuck. The announcer looks at me, "oh come on up here Ciel!" I shake my head in panic. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck... Sebastian whispers to him and he nods. 

"SO, Sebastian, You and your friend follow me."

"Thank you all for coming to this years festival! We hope yall had a great time!"

He turns around and Sebastian follows behind him. They come down the stairs and follow behind. Sebastian turns around and smiles a huge ear-to-ear grandpa kind of smile. I couldn't help but giggle, I have to admit he can be so cute sometimes. I can't believe it... New York City... on New Years ! I wonder how big the streets will be... or how far up the ball really is... or, "Alright boys, he hands Sebastian an envelope, "Guard this with your life young man."

I click my seatbelt and look over at Sebastian. He was staring right back at me. He smiles his cute grandpa smile again and leans over to me. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me into a hug, "I can't wait to spend New Years with you..." I smile just as he was before and hugged back. He starts the car and we pull out of the grass parking lot. 

                                           ~~~oooooo magical time skip~~~

"CIEL COME GET YOUR TOOTHBRUSH" Sebastian yells from the bathroom, to me, in the kitchen. I quickly walk down the hallway, into the bathroom. Sebastian looks at me and tosses me a toothbrush, of course I drop it. I bend over to pick it up and mom appears behind me, "So... Where do you plan on going?" Me and Sebastian planned on not telling our parents, just in case. I swing up and look at her. "Oh probably to his parents house, and hes dragging me to a stupid house party" since when is she so interested in my life? Usually she would never ask us questions like this. She hums and walks down the hall. Me and Sebastian exchange confused look and go back to packing. 

"I swear they were right here!" Sebastian exclaims, almost in tears. Did they just grow legs and walk away?? God, he was so excited for this, and i'll admit I was too. he turns around, tears in his eyes, "I'm so sorry Ciel I'm a terrible-" I will not let him say that, "NO... no your not Sebastian. It's not your fault... We- we can just go to yours friends party... or something" he sniffles, "It's not the same..." oh god he's crying. What do I do?? I nudge him, "Oh come on big guy..." why would you call him that he's literally in tears... "Let's go, we can still make the night special" Sebastian grabs me and holds me in his arms. We stand, out in the cold dark driveway, in each others arms. "Come on" Sebastian runs up the driveway into the house. 

"So where do you wanna go tomorrow night" I ask, trying to get his mind off things. "Dunno" I sigh. He won't forgive himself will he? I crawl to the edge of the bed and wrap my legs around him, "Oh come on, Claude, William, even Ronald is throwing a party... Whattya say we go and be the only people that show up" He snickers and rubs my legs, "I was thinking Claude but why not, hah" I giggle and lay my head on his back, only to be laid on. "Hey get off me you rock!!!" he laughs, "oh yeah calling me a rock really makes me want to stop crushing you" he says sarcasticly. Since when is this guy so heavy?? He lifts up, only to attack me. I laugh... probably sounding like an annoying hyena. "STOP IT!!" I yell, laughing and squealing like a pig. He pushes me down and puts his lips on mine. God I feel like I'm in a cheesy love movie or something... 

"How much mascara are you putting on?" I nudge him, "shut up I usually don't wear makeup, let me have tonight" He rolls his eyes and plops his chin down on my head, "Your like the perfect head rest" I cock my eyebrow, "I'm gonna stab your eye out with this mascara wand"

"HEY! SEBASTIANS HERE!!!!" I sigh, "yet again, I'm nothing but your stupid sidekick" Sebastian puts his arm around me, "oh come on your not a stupid sidekick" We walk in the large kitchen to Alois and Claude making out to the song Everybody Talks... of course. I pull my phone out, "Hey it's 11:14" he nods. 


"SEBASTIAN! YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND, GET OVER HERE!" I look up at Sebastian, "I swear if one more person calls me a girl I'm gonna- OOH." He giggles and grabs my hand, pulling over to his friends. "Hey guys this is my AHEM BOYfriend Ciel" I nod at them, as I do when I try to intimidate people. 


"Ciel! Your favorite song is playing!"Sebastian shouts across the kitchen as Bubblegum Bitch plays. I look down, god does he ever think before he speaks... let alone yells !


"8...7...6...5...4...3...2" I look over and Sebastian smiles, leaning in. "...1..." Our lips connect as everyone around us is either making out with a stranger, passed out, or yelling like a maniac.  Happy Big Cheesy New Years. 

P.S I've been writing this since January 3rd, sorry it took me to long to publish.

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