The Chosen One: The Sacrifice Part 1

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Scene 1:

*Shows the bright, blue sky and shows the motel.*

Margret is packing.

Christine- What are you doing?

Margret stops and turns to her.

Margret- We need to stop him.

Christine- Well we can't do that if we don't plan it. He has an a lot of cult members.

Margret laughs.

Margret- Already took care of that.

Christine- What?

Margret- I poisoned most of them.

Christine- How the fuck did you manage to do that!

Margret- Come on, let's go.

Margret walks out of the door..Christine follows.

Scene 2:

*Shows Trevor walking into a diner.*

He sees Philip sitting at a table, staring out of the window.

Trevor walks to the table and sits down.

Philip- How's the girl?

Trevor's legs shake nervously.

Philip- Hm?

Trevor- Wh- what do you want me to do with her?

Philip- Is your goal to kill her?

Trevor- I'm not sure, sir...

Philip- She seems tough...Would be a great member in my cult.

Trevor nods.

Philip- How come you don't have her yet? Having to much fun fiddling around?

Trevor- I'm getting to it..

A waitress comes up to the table.

Waitress- Can I take your order?

Philip smiles at the woman.

Philip- I would like a nice, hot coffee please.

The waitress looks at Trevor.

Waitress- What would you like, mr.?

Trevor- I don't want anything...Thank you.

She nods and walks off.

Philip turns to Trevor.

Philip- You seem nervous Trevor. What do you have to tell me?

Trevor gets red.

Trevor- My men..They..

Philip- Did she kill them?

Trevor- No...One of our own.

Philip leans forward.

Philip- Tell me.

Philip grins.

Trevor- Margret, sir.

Philip- That whore..All that we did for her..and did you do anything about it?

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