Episode 8: Deleted Scene

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*Shows Christine and Margret on the ground, from the car explosion.*

Christine sees a figure walk towards her and she closes her eyes slowly.

Trevor kneels down and tugs her shoulder.

Jalen- Is she, dead?

Trevor- No, thank god....Just unconscious.

Jalen walks up to Margret, whom is on the ground. She is crawling away.

Trevor pushes Jalen out of his way and goes to Margret.

He stomps on her right leg.

Margret yells in pain and stops crawling with her rusty fingernails.

He kicks her to where she is on her back.

She looks up at him, as she begins to cough out blood.

Trevor- The explosion hit you so hard that you're coughing out blood huh?

Trevor smirks at her, knowing that Philip is making her weaker.

Trevor- Just be ready for what's to come...For you and your sister.

Margret- Don't you fucking touch her!

Trevor kicks her in the face.

Blood squirts out of her mouth and gets on Trevor's black, leather shoes.

Trevor lifts up his leg and looks at his shoe.

Trevor- Son of a bitch, I got blood on my shoe!

Jalen stares at Trevor, in fear.

Trevor- Put Christine in the trunk, I'll take Margret.

*Shows Jalen putting Christine in the trunk, with tape over her mouth and tied up with rope.*

He places his hand on the brown trunk door.

Jalen- I'm sorry....

He slowly closes the door and walks into the driver's seat.

He places his hands on the steering wheel, frightened.

Trevor throws Margret into the back seat.

Jalen turns around and sees Margret's body move as she groans.

Trevor gets into the car, slamming the door.

Trevor- Well, that was easy. Too bad Rick didn't make it, just like Jessica....Ha, amateurs. Now let's get going.

*Shows the car driving off, into the distance.*

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