Episode 6: Deleted Scene

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*Shows Margret talking to Jalen, leaning against the wall in the cabin.*

Margret- You really want to be Trevor's bitch?

Jalen- I'm not his "bitch".

Margret starts to walk away.

Margret- Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Jalen walks behind her and turns her around.

Jalen- What are you getting at, Margret!

Margret doesn't answer him.

Margret- Do you realize what he's doing?

Jalen- What are you talking about?

Margret- He doesn't give a shit about any of us. He's using us to go after Christine...I can't let him get to her.

Jalen- Why does she matter to you?

Margret sighs and places her hands on her hips.

Margret- Can I trust you?

Jalen nods.

Margret walks closer to him, hesitating to speak.

She looks around the cabin and sees that no one is around.

Margret- Where's Trevor?

Jalen- He..He's out looking for Christine, why?

Margret- If I tell you, you have to promise not to say shit, or I will kill you...and you will see what it's like to die twice.

Jalen- Yeah, yeah. Of course.

Margret- Christine...She's, my sister...

Jalen's eyes widen.

Jalen- What the fuck, how?!

Margret- Before the leader took me, he brainwashed me, making me forget about my past life. I was a little girl when it happened....I started to regain my memories when I saw that picture of her that Trevor has...

Jalen is to surprised to speak.

Margret- Well now you know why I want to protect her.

Jalen- Does Trevor know? And the Leader?

Margret- Of course they do, and they can't know that I remember her.....I have a plan and I know that you don't want to live like this..so I want you to help me.

She looks at the glass cups on the table. The cups that the cult members drink out of.

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