Chapter 2

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Welcome back everyone! Pretty proud of myself as I've gotten this chapter out quicker than normal. I'm going to try and be frequent with updates!

Alright, this chapter goes back to Derek's perspective. Most likely this story will go back and forth between their perspectives unless it is physically impossible for me to do so. I hope you all love this chapter, I enjoyed writing it.

Also, I wanted to thank you for the reviews on the last chapter! All the support definitely motivates me. So without further ado, here's the chapter!


The most current mantra spilling from Addison Montgomery's lips as of now. Derek's surprised his ears haven't begun to bleed yet considering the red-head has uttered the term on a manifold of occasions just in the last hour. She'd babbled on and on and on about the damn things as if it were the most important creation in this galaxy.

Apparently so, in his fiancée's mind peonies truly were the most crucial item in the moment. Oh how he desires to turn back the clock to sixty minutes ago so that his subconscious could mentally warn him not to question what peonies were. Addison blew up substantially when he'd stupidly asked what the word meant. How was he supposed to be cognizant that peonies are the most crucial addition to a wedding? Apparently in Addison's mind they're the most elegant flower arrangement. That their ceremony and reception must be permeated with the frilly plant. In his mind, all flowers shared the same appearance. He categorized them into the daisy section and the rose one. He couldn't decipher the in betweens.

Which was obviously a mistake he shouldn't have been so careless to make. So now he paid the grueling price, listening as she rants endlessly over how important it is that their wedding be showered in an array of peonies.


He really did not like that word.

Derek wouldn't have dreamed planning a wedding would be so... intricate. Of course he's seen the romantic movies. The ones where the bride goes all exorcist to achieve her dream wedding of choice. He assumed that was all in the movies. People didn't really go that insane when planning a ceremony, right? He'd been wrong. So wrong. Because it's apparent that in Addison's mind, every detail straying from the invitations all the way to the name cards on each table was more than important. Every. Single. One.

But he digresses. For him, it isn't about the wedding. It's about the after. The marriage. He desires the 'rest of their lives' portion more than the wedding itself. He could care less about whether the bridesmaid dresses matched the groomsmen bow ties. Honestly, if she yearned for it, he'd be content marching down to city hall and signing their name on a piece of paper. He's never believed ceremony's and receptions define how brilliant a marriage is. It's all about the work ethic. The love behind the marriage.

So no, he doesn't care for mindless flower arrangements or if they're going to have a live band play. However, if the planning brings his fiancée some kind of euphoria then he's willing to stifle a few yawns, nod, grin like an idiot, and go along with her. Like he said, it isn't about the wedding for him. It's about the happily ever after.

Secretly, he's always wanted to be a husband. To find love the way his own parents did. Before his fathers death, he remembers how in love they'd been with one another. The gazes they shared, the kisses they indulged on when they thought no one was watching, the adoration in their eyes. The passion. The romance. The love. He wanted that for himself more than anything. To seek out someone who shared all the relishing's for him as he did for her.

Well truth be told, he had. Once upon a time ago, he did find that all consuming love.

He's been trying endlessly to steer his thoughts away from Meredith as his marriage to Addison grows closer. No, he doesn't find himself still pinning over her, in love. But he does do this thing where he compares the passion with Addison to the one he held with her. Subconsciously, he's aware of how terrible that might be. To weigh his old flame to the new one like its some sort of contest. He tries not to think much of it. Meredith had been this substantial portion of his life. The way she exited had been so sudden. Sometimes it makes it hard to forget. To let go of what they had. What he felt for her. Their memories. Maybe a piece of him will always love her. The way he loves his father even if he's drifted to a better place just as Meredith has. He can love her like that.

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