Chapter 4

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Hi guys! Long time no see? I actually planned to have this out way sooner but things have been hectic! I hope this is going to satisfy you all but honestly I'm just tired. I really want this story to be good and authentic and sometimes when life gets in the way it kind of dilutes that in some areas. I don't know if that made sense or not. But I did do my best to address some issues for you all!

No flashback in this but Meredith is definitely a heavy topic. We get Mark as well and might I add I really do love McSteamy as well. I love the McBrothers in general!

Anyways, hope you all are having a brilliant 2018 so far and without any further rambling, here's the next chapter!

A light hum of music fluttered through the background of the bar. Divulgences and conversations stringing from each person occupying the vicinity. A tumultuous amount of laughter and drunken slurs shifting back and forth like a tennis match for the most part. For the majority, the bar was brimmed with happy drunks. Normally the buzz of a little liquid courage can make anyone feel warm and tingly on the inside. Of course there were the unhappy drunks. The people who came in sulking only to mope further into the evening after downing a couple of poisons.

Derek happened to fall into the latter category in this case. Coming out to the bar wasn't an excuse to celebrate the fact he found a wedding flower. It was almost more of a mourning thing for him. The damn peonies were a wet blanket for his day. They'd triggered memories of flowers, nature, Meredith and that only scorned his mood. Anytime he let his thoughts drift to Meredith Grey, his entire attitude was dampened. It's silly and somewhat worrisome as he is with Addison now. Derek shouldn't still be this hung up on a girl that passed away thirteen years before especially now considering he's due to be married in short few months.

The clink of his tumbler rumbles against the countertop. He'd been nursing a scotch for a half an hour now; the amber liquid lukewarm at this point and flattened in taste. It simply wasn't doing the trick. It wasn't drowning out his thoughts and worries as he desired it to. Only providing him with a light thud in his head and a sour taste in his mouth. He needed something stronger.

"What the hell is your deal, man?" His best friend Mark quips with the cock of his brow. His head tilts backward and the whiskey sloshing in his glass disappears instantly after traveling into the man's cavern. He slams the glass to the island before habitually pushing a hand through his coifed hair.

Derek simply rolled his eyes at the commentary and focused his attention to the bar tender, Joe. "A shot of tequila." He requests hoarsely, reaching into the pocket of his jeans to whip out his American Express. "Just put whatever I ask for on this." The plastic clanks across the bar.

"A few more of these and I'm gonna have to take your car keys away." Joe snickers. He's known for revoking driving privileges to anyone that's consumed more than enough alcohol in a single sitting. Normally Derek would never be inclined to get this drunk unless his life was in shambles at it felt in the moment.

It wasn't that he didn't want to marry Addison. If that were the case he would have never proposed in the first place. It's more of the fact he doesn't want the wedding to occur. In his mind it just feels so... wrong. The planning isn't what he wanted. It was all about Addison's desires. Derek didn't desire comparing this wedding planning to the one he had with Meredith but how can he not when the experiences are so freaking different? Meredith yearned for simple and Addison wanted Madison Square Garden with the Jumbotron and fireworks!

"And nothing's my deal." He retorts coldly to Mark. "I can't go out and get a drink?"

"Seems to me that you have some kind of stick up your ass." Mark's head tilts slightly and his light baby blue optics pierce into Derek's. Mark always known when something was bothering him. They've been friends since childhood and are practically brothers by this point. The man had been with Derek through everything. Including Meredith's death and the recovery process afterwards. It's safe to say he most definitely has a good hunch as to how Derek's mood is playing out.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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