Chapter 3

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Alright, here it is! I know I couldn't get this chapter out before Christmas but I felt as though I needed that time to be with family and friends rather than staring at a screen and cranking out an entire chapter.

I really love this chapter, it's definitely an important one. MerDer's reunion I suppose you could consider is coming soon so just sit tight for me.

I've proofread this best as possible but if there are any minor errors I'm incredibly sorry! I don't have a beta or anything for this story as of right now.

Also I wanted to give thanks to all who've reviewed. Especially the ones who give me their honest opinions each chapter, you're fantastic. I'd love to reply to you all but the majority are simply guest reviews which doesn't allow me that privilege. Either way, I'm incredibly thankful for your thoughts and opinions on this.

I'd love some feedback on this as well and without further ado here's the chapter, enjoy!

The greenery is a substantial change from the sky scrapers and air pollution she's accustomed herself to for the last thirteen years. Her eyes focus in on all of the large trees and nature settled adjacent from her. Truly, she can't remember the last time her irises were captivated by so much of the outdoors. Settling down in a Manhattan apartment typically didn't coincide with a backyard brimmed with wildlife.

The place she's residing as of currently is definitely a substantial change from before. For a while, she toyed with the notion of whether she should leap or crawl back. Yes, this move is about beginning a new life. Starting fresh so to speak.

Primarily the idea of purchasing all of this just felt as if she were taking a million steps in the wrong direction. She battled with this for over a month when it became clear moving across the country was what her future held. The notion of moving into another apartment wasn't the imagery she painted in her mind. Her past life had resided in multiple apartments and condos. It wasn't what she wanted. A house felt ludicrous as she had no one to share it with. That thought somewhat contradicted with the end result, although her actual living space was fit for she only.

An airstream trailer. Planted smack dab in the midst of forty acres of land. Yes, it seemed a little redundant considering she was trying her best to sway her thoughts from Derek away and pursue something fresh, new, different. This piece of land resembled the one she shared with Derek in so many ways. Although, who said she had to let go of him completely? That man was a huge chunk of her childhood and teenage years. He'd been the love of her life.

As well as the tall trees and green grass gave her a home like feeling. It made her feel comfortable even in a new environment. So Meredith had leaped. She broke out the checkbook and purchased all this land on the outskirts of Seattle for herself. She's entirely unsure of what she'll do with it. At the moment it's just a lot of nature with an eyesore of a trailer plotted at the apex. She assumes once her career begins to skyrocket she'll bring out the contractors and maybe build a real house.

For now she's comfortable in her petite trailer, enjoying what Mother Nature has provided.

The inner corner of her lip twitches upward at the sight of sunlight as she steps out onto the wooden deck. She's aware Seattle is known for its more frequent rain showers, it seemed as the sunshine was definitely a sign she'd made the right decision. A faded navy coffee mug encapsulated her palms. It's brimmed to the rim with caffeine, loaded down with sugar and milk. She's always been an unhealthy person, even when it came to her morning beverage. She remembers all the warnings from Derek that her cholesterol must be through the roof. Of course she normally brushed off those comments with an eye roll or the shake of her head.

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