A Vampire's Lullaby

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Angela's eye began to drift shut, the bright blue orbs behind her lids increasingly vanishing. The smell of the coffee did little to actually keep her senses alert, instead it was almost the opposite. Her skin began to crawl, her bones ached and her mind began to scream at her to sleep - she was long over due for such a thing anyways. A few nights past what she was: physically, emotionally, and mentally able to handle.

The past two weeks she had been awake, day and night. Relying on shots on adrenaline and coffee t keep her body able to proceed with her plans before the dead line that was presented to her by Commander Morrison and Reyes. She had exactly three weeks to fix up her Valkyrie suit and the Caduceus staff back to working order from her last mission. With had left her utterly injured and even broke the both of them to pieces that almost made it impossible to fix, and at this point she had already feared she wouldn't make such a hasted deadline.

I have to have it done by the time we are to depart to Kings Row. I can't let the team down.

That thought alone made the doctor force her eyes open once more. She weakly pushed her head from the counter in which she had it rested as she waited for the thousandth pot to be ready. It smelled absolutely repulsing at this point, the smell of the coffee grounds that filled her nose. It caused her head to start to spin at the thought of allowing the warm drink to touch her lips, she could even taste it and it instantly made her sick. Her eyes forced shut once more and she groaned softly. Mostly from the fact now her legs were beginning to buckle under her own weight.

[C]Moira restfully stood at the door way, her heterochromia eyes were glued to the smaller woman's figure. A rather dark and hungry, almost sinister smile was spread across her face. She looked so helpless, so vulnerable. It had her body starting to tremble in excitement. She had to mentally pull herself back to a normal reality, and for a moment her eyes rose to from doctors to the window. The burning of her veins, the craving was starting to become too much for her - she didn't exactly want to use someone such as her. It was like admitting she needed the woman's help. Instantly, she bean to internally scowl herself for such a thought/ This wasn't asking for help. This was taking what is needed."Oh dear, look at our sweet little Angel - she can't even keep her eyes open. It's almost adorable."

The woman's Irish accent almost instantly began to make the doctor's stomach turn in fright. Her eye's shot open widely, and she spun around to meet the woman's cold glare. It instantly sent a shiver down the woman's spine, and the blood in her veins began to frost over in ice as if it was snow to a window frame. Why in the world is she here? Isn't she suppose to be working on her own projects? "You are quiet the ways from your lab Ms. O'Deorain. Is there something that I could possibly help you with?"

Moira pulled her hand to her chest, as if she was gesturing to herself as she spoke. "Me? Need your help? Do not be so imbecilic. I was simply taking a late night walk through the base, seems you just happen to be in a place I do stop to rest my feet." Her head shook softly, than she began to give a soft chuckle that seemed like it came from the pit of her stomach. Once she was done, she tucked both hands behind her back and began to approach the doctor - her smile never fading.

The doctors lips parted to reply with something quick and witty, yet instantly silenced once the red headed woman began to approach her. The way she moved was, abnormal. It was as if she was stalking prey, a hidden spark of pure and utter hunger was in her eyes. It caused her body to stiffen up, and she couldn't understand why.

Angela. Are you serious right this instant? You are a woman who see's battle almost daily, dead bodies with their innards hanging out and yet this - woman's - cold glare is what causes you to feel such a thing? What are you going to do when you encounter the Bastion units and OR-14's on the battle field? Stand there like a scared and frightened little school girl.

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