A Vampire's Lullaby Part 4

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Hi everyone - C.A here with a new name and a new chapter. So, yea my laptop broke so this one may seem much shorter and much more - odd I suppose. All my stories lately have been on my Laptop, but due to the Holidays it's been left behind. I have also tried really really hard to make one of these chapters PreFall cute... So-I hope you like it D'X if not, screw you! I tried !

This is also the last chapter up to date - sorry! I am working on part 5 but it will be a bit!!

Kiss Kiss from your Favorite Medic~

Angela's eyes barely opened, just enough to see that there was someone laying next to her in her bed before they closed again. Then it hit her - a sudden panic built in her chest and they shot open once again. Her bright blue orbs staring hard on the red head's figure.

 M-Moira ! What is she doing here?!

The blondes chest began to rapidly rise and fall, her heart rapidly beating against her rib cage as she tried her best to calm herself. She couldn't recall anything that happened the previous night, it was all like some empty void she just roamed around in. Only a moment latter did the blondes heart finally stop, and it was when the red head's arm pushed against her chest, pushing her back against the bed.

Angela's head snapped to the side, looking back to the woman who was now awake - yet calmly watching her. Moira didn't speak, she simply looked away. Trying to hide the, not so hidden blush that had quickly painted itself across her cheeks. The blonde looked confused for a moment, she couldn't ever recall the woman being flustered so - it was such a rare and odd sight.

"Ms. O'Deorain..." Angela almost whispered those two simply words.

"You insisted that I stayed the night Ziegler..." Moira mimicked the womans whispered tone, never once looking back to the woman.

The doctors face instantly twisted into a rather, worried look and a blush that she couldn't exactly explain the reasoning for. During the doctors racing thoughts, the red head had rolled back over to where she could see the blonde again. Her hand quickly raising to slick back what strands had managed to fall loose throughout the night, only to have them fall again. It gave the woman a clear look of annoyance till she looked back to the doctor.

"I , suppose, that means you do not remember - again?" Moira almost sounded sad, as if those words shattered the heart in her chest. Her tone and her expression where two completely different things - it left Angela feeling a bit confused.

As Moira let out a sigh, Angela adjusted so that she was setting up once more. Her hand was rubbing at her neck yet again, seems lately she had been doing nothing but sleeping in a way that would cause the muscles to be sore once she woke up.

Moira eye'd her, watching as she rubbed at - at this point secretly - referred to ad her 'love mark.' Since it was all she was, allowed to do, or so it seemed. It was begining to break the woman's heart more than the constant disapproval or even the snarky remarks towards her studies.

She remembered, something - only slightly that the woman was in pain and needed her help. Something, else happened yet she really wanted to remember and couldn't. "No? I am sorry - it all seems quiet fuzzy. I do recall you needing aid? I was able to at least accommodate that aid before I passed out, right?" Moira watched her closely, she seemed so much more worried about her previous pain over the fact - the woman she hated was in her bed. It ALMOST caused the red head to smile.

"Indeed - the pain was residing in my right arm. You did manage to cause it to vanish." She replied simply before setting up to match the doctor, tugging at her tie and forcing it as loose as possible Before undoing the first two buttons to her shirt.

Angela let out a rather, pleased sigh. "Ausgezeichnet.." She whispered before her eyes found theirselves staring at the womans actions, she couldn't help it. She was still a bit confused on the 'again' part of her sentence yet - she couldn't find the words to ask. Each time she mustered them up, they vanished into thin air. Like - they were forbidden to ever be spoken.

She huffed in annoyance, and it caused the red head to look back at her. A very puzzled and questioning look filled her eyes as the blonde stared at the mirror that was directly in front of them. Her face quickly growing soft, and filled with a hidden -- puzzled emotion. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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