A Vampire's Lullaby [pt.2]

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Hi guys! Okay so I was asked to keep going with this story, and I decided "fuck why not!" So here we go, part two. I may keep going - I have quiet a few ideas and many characters I do wamt to join in. So ^^ keep coming back okay

Timeline/Location: Prefall - Right after Uprising

Trigger Warning: Gay, all the gayness my homophobic friends. Also this may not be your ship, so trigger warning for that. *insert reaper shrug emote here* Bite me. Also, cursing.

Word Count: 1,734

Time Taken: A few days because I was a lazy piece of shit.

Disclaimer: Irish is actually one of the few lauange i do not actually speak nor have any kind of study in. So all translations are Probally roughly done. . . Hahah...

ღ ✝ ღ

Angela let out a painful groan as she moved her way down the hallway. Unlike the other three, she was unable to proper find sleep after such a mission - which in all honesty wasn't so abnormal for the doctor. She often found it hard to sleep, and the fact she constantly kept her sleeping schedule changing her body could never actually get use to one before it was forced to adapt to a new one - This caused her poor body to be wary of her actually trying to get sleep.

Her hands trailed the wall as she tried to make her body stay balanced as she walked. Usually this would be one of the times she would run to the pharmacy and prescribe herself some sleeping medicine but after what she had done to stay awake for two weeks straight - both Jack and Ana had locked her access from it. They tried to explain that there was just simply no way I would be in the correct state of mind to do such a thing after Kings Row, yet here she walked almost two days latter and still no sleep. She had just one last chance, one last person she could ask for such a favor - and she hated she had to go so low.

A slight knock at Moira's door sent her into a small jolt, her eyes instantly flashing to the clock on the screen. It had just flash to four am as she looked away with a rather annoyed expression painted across her face. "Who is there?" She called out, her vice almost sounded like it was raspy. Perhaps even sounded like she was a bit parched, either way it hurt and caused her to began to rub at her throat to soothe it.

"It is me Moira, Dr. Zeigler --" there was a pause, which caused the woman to stand from her chair and begin to walk to the door - possibly to even open it for her. "I am in need of your help if you do not mind. If you aren't too busy that is." Moira's face lit up in a smile, she was the first of the two who admitted to the other that they needed help. Truly a day for the woman, and she was going to eat it up. That thought sent the fire back into her throat, causing her too pause and rub it away before she opened the door.

]Angela's face shot up, looking from the floor to the woman's face as the door flung open. There she stood with an almost smug smile, her body leaning against the frame as she gestured to herself. "Oh you do darling? And what kind of help would you possibly need from someone like me?" The way she asked such a question made the young doctor huff in discomfort. There was no way she would allow this favor to go for free, she would defiantly want something in return.

"I can not sleep, which is preventing my recovery. I am also not moronic, I know damn well you know Jack and Ana have locked me from gaining access to the prescriptions needed to help aid me." Angela's eyes lifted to meet Moira's. Who had such a pleased and smug look on her face.

"Are you actually asking for my help?" As if to confirm her next words the woman's almost icy cold hand pushed against her forehead as if checking for a fever. "You truly aren't well are you, aingeal beag?" she pulled her hand back, and wiped it against her pants legs as if touching the doctor left behind some foul lingering disease.

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