Breaking banjamin

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I work at the PNC arena so I naturally see a lot of people and bands play. Today I got lucky because my favorite band Breaking Benjamin is going to play.

If I get through seeing Keith Wallen tonight then I'm going to be known as a god to all of my co-workers and boss. I hate how his voice is so high. Other than that I guess he's ok. I could beat him in a guitar riff contest anytime I wanted to though.

I check the time and they'll be here in 5 minutes so I go run through and make sure everything is working.

*10 minutes later*

They're still not here which starts to concern me. I walk through the doors they should walk be walking through and I see them all except for Keith and I somewhat am glad.

All that are there look at me and Ben comes up to me and starts to talk "hey, sorry we haven't come in yet; Keith Wallen is running really late and won't answer his phone calls." So I try my best to keep calm and act professional while I respond with "that's ok, I can play the guitar for your sound check until he gets here." He looks a little less panicked "that would be ok I guess but he does sing main vocals on 'sooner or later' so if you could try to sing that" and I nod "I've memorized it by heart, I'll do it" he smiles "alright, great. I like your attitude, what's your name?" He asks. So of course I get a little nervous when I respond this time. "My name is (y/n)" he nods as he says "noted"

We start to do he sound check when Ben gets a call. He walks off to answer it.

When he comes back he says that Keith won't be here and comes up to me and whispers in my ear. "(y/n) you might have to cover for Keith, he won't be coming" I nod and smile as I would take that offer any day. So he makes the announcement "so Keith won't be coming but we have his replacement" then Aaron asks "wait, but that's a girl and Keith is a guy, won't there be a difference in the voices?" Ben chuckles and adds "the only thing they'll notice is she isn't as high pitched as he is" and we all laugh at his comment.

*2 hours later*

People start crowding in and it's a little nerve wracking but I gotta deal with it since I did agree to it. We do the show and I end up singing "sooner or later" and I get more applause then expected. When we walk off stage after we finish the set, I give Ben the guitar back and start to walk away when Aaron calls me back. "You did great" he says and Ben agrees with him saying "yeah, you did well for being out on the spot like that" I smile and respond with a simple "thanks" and go check on the people who are playing after the people on stage. I find them in the practice room and they're just making last minute changes so I let them be.

I start to walk back to the backstage area and a lonely Ben stops me. "Hey, here's my number if you want to call me later today or tomorrow" and he hands me a slip of paper. I can feel myself start to blush as he walks away.

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