twenty five-

74 8 6

"y-you just broke up. is-isn't that b...bad?"

'thought you were the confident one."

"i'm sorry! this was a bad idea!"

"i never said any of that ok?"

phil just sat in shocked silence. his arm was rigid, now even warmer against the peachy skin of dan's. he could say anything, but he didn't. there seemed to be a dazed expression. if a stranger was to walk in at that moment, they would think he's somehow been paralysed.


"did i break you?"

that idea seemed to appeal to dan as he giggled softly, despite how awkward he felt. that made phil snap.

"oh christ yes."

"i- i broke you?"

"yeah, that too, in a good way, but you know what i mean."

"are you sure?"

"i thought you were supposed to be the confident one."

"shut up..."

"make me."

dan looked at his feet to the ground. they had reached the top.

"with pleasure."

cold hands clasped his jawline in a crisp and frantic movement. dan tugged him downwards to his mouth. his lips were full and tasted like peaches. judging by how roughly dan was pushing against him, patrick never gave him this enjoyment.


they separated when they needed to breathe. a small laugh escaped phil's mouth, and it was contagious. sheepish, dan look down at his feet, eyes half lidded. they shot wide open he saw something, however.


"that lady has him, remember?"

they had left the dogs with a woman that didn't allow pets on board, but he had a nagging suspicion that that was not what dan was implying.


dog walk ; phanWhere stories live. Discover now