twenty nine-

61 6 1

"keep your voice down... walk quick..."

"i'm doing that."

their scampers were uncomfortably quite and they had to move quickly. he was coming around the building onto the pathway dan and phil were on. it was long, stretching out to the exit, but that was ages away.

"fuck, phil, fuck, i'm scared..."

"so am i, just walk quick ok?"

their walk turned into a full on run, so fast winston and biscuit were having trouble catching up to them.


"no, no, go away."

it was something dan must've accidentally said out loud, as it came out in a hurried mess of mumbles and mispronounced syllables. phil tugged on dan's shirt, now scared to. he looked back for a fleeting second to see the father running after them.

"stop! it's fine, i'm-"

"fuck off!"

it was a yell and a family having a picnic looked over, question filling the child's face and anger filling the mothers'. usually, the older one would give an apologetic look, perhaps a 'sorry,' but now was not the time.

"winston- biscuit- hurry!"

"i'm kinda dragging them, think of something!"

dog walk ; phanWhere stories live. Discover now