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phil's mind was blank, he couldn't do anything. they slowed down naturally and dan's father was catching up.


"right, right, just calm-"

"hey! stop, let us talk!"

"no, never, go-"

it was this that made the oldest clamp a hand over his son's mouth. phil leapt towards the man, ready to do anything, and his grip did not falter.

"get off get off get off!"

unless something was done then, and quick, it would be a lost battle. winston and biscuit watch one, perhaps only wanting a treat after all the exercise.


phil looked at the brown-eyed boy before sonething in his head clicked, and easy solution that could get the father off their tail.

/writing this on my phone, sorry for any mistakes, also sorry for the zero updates, long story but it's something involving my poor friend.../

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