Prologue. The World of Semblance

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The world of Semblance has existed for thousands upon thousands of years. Humanity in a handful of those years finally got the hang of how to not die. Not much is known about this world other than a lot of it is uninhabitable due to a certain darkness. Holo are the embodiment of negativity and just one large enough can reek havoc on the strongest of the strong. Normal weapons have no affect and become useless against a Holo.

With time man kind learned to use its natural given powers and gifts to take on the darkness. The Aura that surrounds a single person was studied and eventually humanity learned to configure that power into a weapon or heal the wounded.  Aura has become the only thing that can defeat Holo. 

 Again and again humanity has some how managed to come together and beat the enemy even what it seemed impossible. But the last large war took place too many years ago and man kind has long forgotten what it really means to fight to survive. The Four main small continents of Semblance; Phoenix, Hawthorne, Harbor and Everest co exist together in a world that is convinced fighting the Holo is a thing of the past. But deep within the core of Semblance darkness has begun to fester. 

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