Missed Call

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I ended up heading back to my place after I'd talked to Wren. This didn't really bother me but I was just having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this. Both of my parents had been teachers at Summit. It was shortly after their death that my uncle had taken his place as the headmaster. The coffee that I had made that morning had been abandoned and now sat, cold in the pot. Pouring a cup, I heated it up in the microwave. Drinking it black I leaned against the counter and stared off into space. There was too much going on in my head again and absurd thoughts of my parent's death began to resurface. Taking a sip of the coffee, I gave my head a little shake and turned my attention to the time for a moment. It was only nearing five a clock but naturally after having not eaten anything all day I was hungry. I finished the caffeinated bean water and set the cup into the sink. Picking up my phone I moved onto the task of ordering pizza.

After I'd eaten shared the pizza with Suffer I sat back on the couch staring at the small fox creature.

"So, do you have to eat?" I asked.

"No, I am a demon fox after all." Suffer looked up at me from where she sat licking at her paw. Her tongue continued to swipe over a grey patch of fur on her paw after she'd answered my question. It may seem like a stupid thing to ask but in reality, there was very little that we knew about familiars. They were all different and no two could ever be the same. While the same demon could possess a body over and over again they could never take the form of and animal they had in the past. Suffer would only be a marble fox once in her long lifetime.

Leaving to continue her cleaning I made my way to the bedroom. I guess that I already had my mind made up. If I was going to be a teacher at Summit then my usual attire of hoodies and t shirts would no longer suffice. Pulling out the huntsman clothes that I had used to wear when I was a student I laid them out on the bed. Trying a few select pieces on I was surprised to find that most of it still fit. I had to sub out the light grey pants for a pair of my nicer black jeans. Attaching the leather straps that went around the base if my calves and up to form a weapon holster around my waist. Not for the usual hand gun as one might think.

In order to use your Aura as a weapon you needed to have the right hilt to match it. A lot of students only had one large hilt and a few smaller ones but if you were lucky you could earn more. My weapons belt consisted of two hand gun hilts and four small daggers. These made up my small hilts. My large one was fairly big and had an attachment on my back. The hilt was a pure black but once my Aura flowed through the metal the weapon took the form of a massive black scythe. It had been my fathers and after he'd died it had been passed to his only son. I was very skilled in hand to hand combat so I never needed anything more than my daggers and guns. But there was no way I'd have passed up that chance learn to fight with a larger weapon. It made me a desired huntsman. Being able to fight close range and hand to hand was one thing but to excel at both was another.

Last but not least was the jacket. It was a long trench coat kind of style that strapped closed only on the top half. A large hood draped over my head and I tugged at the collar of the jacket to let it cover half of my face for a moment. The outfit was complete and I turned to look at myself in the full body mirror that hung from the back of the door. Black lace up combat boots, black jeans with the black straps that twisted up to my waist and a dark red shirt that was sleeveless and had a small collar to it. I spot each of my hilts that almost shone against the dark of my outfit. Unlike the large hilt all the others were white with deep red markings. A reflection of ones Aura. The large hilt was black and deep red. Turning I grabbed the large hilt from the bed and attached it to the back of my jacket.

Removing the clothes, I put the new and refined outfit away and headed back out into the living room. Retrieving a bottle of water from the fridge I cracked it open and downed the contents in a few good chugs. I grabbed another from the fridge as well as a small glass bowl from the cupboard and moved to flop down on the couch. Setting the bowl done in front of a curious Suffer I poured a small amount of the water into to the bowl. She didn't refuse the water and drank almost all that I had poured.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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