1. Sufferpup

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I groaned. Rubbing my hands over my face I sighed heavily. There wasn't really much that I could do but stand there and shake my head. The tiny ass puppy wailed loudly up at me from where it sat on the cold, wet pavement of the sidewalk. Demanding little jerk. A muddy mess covered its fur. Bending down I swiftly nabbed the puppy up by its scruff with two fingers. As I held up it dangled in front of my face and gave another loud shriek. This time I winced just a little. My nose wrinkled at the smell that seemed to come off the thing in waves. I already knew that this wasn't the smartest idea but I wasn't the kind of person to just leave something or someone in need. Besides anyone with a heart knew this thing wouldn't survive on its own.

"Well I guess it's your fucking lucky day Sufferpup." I half hissed narrowing my eyes. Giving the puppy a gentle shake in front of my face I then proceeded to with a little difficulty, stuff the puppy into the front pocket of my hoodie. That would just have to do for now I was surprised at how something so small could protest that much. It didn't look like it had a home and was probably a lost puppy from a stray somewhere. Pulling my hood more securely over my head I continued on walking. It was late and I was tired and now I had a little shit to deal with. I work a fairly decent job at a used book store but it's the many "small" jobs that I take on the side that have a habit of making my life a literal fucking hell. Who doesn't want a puppy? Me. I live in a crappy ass, tiny one-bedroom apartment that last time I checked didn't allow pets. Was I going to get rid of the puppy now? No fucking way. Finders keeper's loser's weepers. It was a fucking puppy! By the time that I actually walked through the door pale blue lights read 1:18am on the microwave clock. Slipping off my shoes on the mat next to the door I made my way straight to the kitchen sink. Pulling the now quiet puppy out from my pocket it gave a disgruntled squeak as I plopped its stinking ass into the empty metal sink. Turning on the water I adjusted the temperature so I wouldn't freeze it anymore or boil it. Dish soap would have to suffice for now. I didn't half ass the job of getting the mutt clean. Jeez she was dirty. Yes, I now I have female puppy who was probably going to be stuck with the name Sufferpup. Yup, Sufferpup.

"You're such a crybaby." I mumbled as she gave me something of an offended look. Amazed at how much dirt and mud had been caked within her fur. Fur that I had thought would be black had turned out almost completely white. Suffer had what looked like a grayish mask that outlined her face and a small stripe of gray down her spine and halfway down her tail. Doing a half turn to the grab the dish towel that hung from the stove behind me. Giving the pup a good rinse down with the warm water I grinned as she gave herself a very sloppy shake. Not wasting time, I wrapped her within the towel and pulled her tiny form out from the sink. At first glance she looked like a husky to me. But a second look made me question it as she was very tiny. Probably the runt or I was betting that I was wrong by a long shot. Quick thinking led me to place her down in a I carried groceries home in earlier that day. Good thing I didn't get rid of that box.

"You need more blankets." I stated giving now damp fluff a nod. I returned to the puppy with an old blanket and a few old towels that I mainly used for cleaning. Now they would become dog towels. Letting her get comfortable and warm I moved away to see what I had that I could feed her. What the hell do you feed a puppy that small?

"Hey Suffer would you eat egg?" I asked leaning past the fridge door to glance at her. Tiny black paws curled over the edge of the box as she looked at me head tilted.

Grinning in her direction "I will take that as a yes?" I questioned as she let out a tiny bark.

"I'm glad to see that you at least have manners." my voiced ranted as I stepped away from the open fridge to grab a clean frying pan from the cupboard.

I grabbed a handful of eggs from the carton on the top shelf. Lazy I proceeded to crack the eggs into the pan and stir them with a fork. I couldn't help but let out yawn. Once the lazy scrambled eggs were done I scooped a little onto a plat meant for tea cup and suck it into the freezer. Sufferpup let out a high long whine as she watched me hork back the remainder of the eggs.

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