One Shot

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Keith was an artist. He had a unique art style as does every artist. People were always wowed by his creations and when someone said that they were no good, he would say "Everyone is an artist. The world is your canvas, and your hands are your paintbrush. And your soul? That's just the best part."

Shiro wanted people to see Keith's art but Keith said he and his art was fine where they were.

One day, Shiro and Matt were talking. They had classes together at school and thought that there younger siblings should meet. They planned to hangout and have a night of fun. The following Saturday was spent at each other's houses and other places.

Matt and Katie arrived and Shiro showed them around.

"Hey Shiro?" Katie saw something that caught her eye.
"There's a door over there. What's behind it?" Katie pointed to a door by the stairway.
"I can show you, but are you sure you want to see what's behind it?"
"Yeah!" Katie's eyes sparked with curiosity.

Shiro opened the door and Katie stepped in. Shiro and Matt stayed by the door.

Katie found the light switch and turned on the lights. She was silent when she saw what was in the room. She saw art work and Masterpiceces. There was also a board with papers and images. Katie looked around and took her time to look over every piece. She heard the floor shift and paused. Shiro and Matt moved aside for Keith.

"Huh?" Keith looked up from his phone was surprised to see a guest.
"AAA!" Katie was surprised and jumped. She almost knocked over some art work and supplies.
"Hey watch out!" Keith rushed over to stabilize the art work and supplies and pushed Katie out of the way.

Things ended up falling and landed all over Keith. All of those things were heavy and Katie was glad Keith pushed her out of the way. Shiro and Matt ran over to help and Katie just watched. Luckily, Keith was fine.

"Keith, now that you're okay, I'd like to introduce you to Katie. Katie is Matt's little sister." Keith sat up and look at Katie. He cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow.
"Hi! Sorry about that. I love your art!" Katie handed Keith his phone which he dropped.
"Hi... Thanks." Keith carefully took his phone back and nervously greeted Katie. Keith wasn't great around people.

The four walked out of the room and closed the door. They sat in the living room on the floor despite the couches right behind them. Katie sat next to Keith and asked him about the board in the art room. Keith said he was into conspiracy stuff and Katie's eyes lit up. Keith showed her the article he was reading and said that he was going to record what he read on the board and add anything new he found.

Shiro and Matt went to get them all a snack and the other two read the article together.

"Woah. I haven't gone into this one yet, but I've been looking into it." Katie gave the information a thought.
"Well I can help get you started."
"Huh? Yeah!"

Shiro and Matt came back with snacks and turned on the TV. They still sat on the floor.

"What should we watch?" Shiro had the remote.
"I don't know. What is there to watch?" Matt stuffed two bags of fruit snacks in his mouth.
"Netflix." Keith said as he and Katie sorted out their snacks.
"What? why?" Shiro opened Netflix.
"There's a new series. It's called Beyond Science. It's about stuff that scientists can't explain and theories being explored."
"Hmm... I guess I'll give it a try. Matt?"
"Go ahead."

After watching the trailer, Katie and Keith were hooked. They watched the first episode and were blown away. It was time to go the Holt's house so Shiro and Keith got their stuff and headed over.
Shiro and Matt are in highschool and Katie and Keith are in middle school. Shiro and Matt are second and third years and the other two are in eighth grade. (Katie being moved up a grade)
The four had lunch and planned where to go next. They decided to just hang around and go around town. They left and went to the arcade first. Katie had an impressive amount of tokens and Keith did as well. Shiro and Matt were worn out and couldn't believe that they couldn't beat their siblings at any game no matter the circumstances.

They went into shops and look around. They got ice cream and looked around some more.

It was getting dark and Shiro decided to have them all eat at the country themed dinner.

Katie sat across from Keith and next to Shiro in the booth. Katie showed Keith some conspiracy stuff she had found and they could hardly eat because they were talking. Matt got them to drop the subject and they talk about something else like school.

They finished and Shiro paid. They went their separate ways.
Katie sat in her room and took out the her paper. Her desk was in front of her window so when she tried to read her conspiracy paper, she saw the moonlight shine something through the paper. Katie turned it around to see a masterpiece on the back.

There was a perfectly drawn picture of Katie looking up and dreaming. Then she saw something written under it.

"Everyone is an artist. The world is your canvas, and your hands are your paintbrush. And your soul? That's just the best part..."

Katie was amazed. "When did he draw this?" Her eyes fell to the bottom right corner of the page.

It was Keith's signature and some numbers underneath. He had his email written out too, just for her.

Katie analyzed his contact information and put him into her contacts. She texted him to let him know that she had his number.

Katie: Hi! I added you to my contacts.
Keith: You did? I thought you wouldn't see it. My signature.
Katie: Well I did and I thought I should let you know.
Keith: Do you want to continue our conspiracy talk?
Katie: Yeah!

The two continued and became great friends and got closer together. Then they were more than best friends when they started college.
Hey guys! I'm posting some one shots in between writing chapters so I hope you liked this one.
I got nothin else to say so.....

Merry Kidgemas

Merry Christmas


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