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     I have not always been alone, but now I am. Recently, my parents died from an assassination, and to avoid being murdered myself, I was forced to flee our small home. I am not alone, however, for I travel with my partner, Hanu. He is a tiger, still young, but not as small as a cub. My family, the Kanamiya family, has a blood alliance with felines, namely tigers. Unfortunately, I was never able to learn everything, but for certain, I am a self-taught ninja, of my own, made-up village. The Village Hidden by Claws.  My symbol is simple, meerly a cat scratch. My headband is not special, made of wood with a green band, my parents never knew of it. And now, they never will, because they are dead, and I am travelling, where I hope to find Konaha, the Village Hidden in the Leaves.


     I will probably add snipits of Japanese, just 'cause I can and I somewhat understand it.

The Feline KunoichiWhere stories live. Discover now