Chapter Five

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     We got to the training ground, which was in a clearing in the forest. Wodden training dummies, targets, and large rocks dotted the area. I had a feeling that training dummy was going to make a fool of me. Hanu slipped out of my jacket and climbed a tree, laying lazily on a branch. He had an amused glint in his eye and I made a mental note to question him later, when we were completely alone. "So, Atsuko-san. Do you know how to fight hand-to-hand?" he asked.

     "Hai. Is that what Taijutsu is? If it is, then I know it, but I'm not very good at it," I replied.

      "Okay, you do know what Taijutsu is. My name is Rock Lee by the way," he said, breathing a sigh of relief. I nodded.

     "I'd just never heard the term. So... are we going to get started, Lee-san?" I asked, and he nodded.

     "Let us start with the basics. How about a punch? First, you need a strong stance. Get into your stance," he began instructing. I shifted my position so that I was standing wth my shoulders angled to him, and my feet were loose on the ground. My shoulders were relaxed.

     "How about this?" I asked.

     "Not bad, but not good. Your upper body is fine, but you need better foot holds, and your legs need to be ready to move," he instructed. I nodded and planted my feet on the ground, tensing up my legs. He nodded and I knew I had it. "Now come at me like your going to hit me," he continued. I questioned his command in my head, but nodded, and pulled back my left arm. I put my weight behind the punch, and nearly got to his face, but I tripped as my feet became loose on the ground and landed on my face. I sat up and clutched my nose, because it stung.

     "I-it didn't work..." I trailed off.

     "Do not be so bummed out. You just never got any official training I am guessing," he said, offering me his hand so I could get up. I took it and he pulled me up. I thought my arm was going to be pulled out of it's socket. As I nursed a hurt nose and hurt shoulder, he instructed my on the proper way to throw a punch, and praised me on putting my weight behind my punch. "Now, try it again," he said, and I got back in my stance. Then I threw my punch, which he ducked under, then he nodded. "That was nice. Much better then last time. Now this time, try punching the wooden dummy I am standing beside. I punched it and felt my whole body shudder with the shock. I pulled back my throbbing hand and held it to my chest.

      "Those things are more painful then they look," I muttered softly. As my lesson continued, and my skills were corrected and recorrected, I was doing punches, kicks, and various other moves I could use to win a fight. Then we went into dodging Taijutsu. I had a feeling this was going to be very painful.

     "Okay, first things first. Use your forearms to block a blow to the face, neck, or chest. You can also dodge it, but we'll get to that later. Hold up your arms," said Lee. I held up my arms and put my forearms up in front of my face, my hands curled into fists with my plams facing me. I knew this much, because my dad hsd taught me how to protect my face in a dire situation.

    "This should be good right?" I asked.

     "Yeah. You have guarding your face down pretty good. When your protecting yourself, it will be by instinct at first, but in the real world, people use feints, so you will have to teach yourself to mentally to block certain attacks and not others," he continued, and then he looked like he was going to punch me. "Now, block this," said Lee. Even with instincts, I hardly had time to react to his incredible speed, but I got my arms up, and protected myself against his heavy punch, which gave me bruises instantly.

     "Lee-san! I'm not a wooden dummy. I'm not used to this. That hurt too much for simple instruction," I complained.

     "Gomen nasai*, Atsuko-san. I underestimated myself," he explained.

     "I'll live. Let's continue. I want to get this Taijutsu lesson down," I said, eager to learn more. Lee nodded and then began talking about dodging punches. When that part of the lesson was done, I felt like a bruise, though luckily, he aimed low, so I wouldn't hurt my face or chest, just my stomach. Then we move on the blocking kicks. Who knew there were so many ways to defend yourself from a kick. This time, he underestimated himself way to much, and I was sent flying back. 

     "Try not to underestimate yourself, Lee-san. It's rather painful on this end of the line," I grunted as he pulled me up again. 

     "Gomen nasai, Atsuko-san," he apologized, and then we went to dodging. Why was learning Taijutsu so painful? I thought only actual combat was painful. By the end of the lesson, I was sore, bruised, and in a slightly bad mood. I looked over at Hanu, still laying on his branch, and glared at him because he had a kitty grin on his face.

     "Thanks for the lesson! Maybe I'll come to you again when I'm stronger and you can teach me some more," I said, waving to Lee before heading to Hanu's tree. He slunk down and landed on my shoulder, crawling into my jacket. I walked into the woods, far enough so that I knew Lee wasn't around. "Okay, you can talk now, instead of being normal," I muttered.

     "That was very interesting, Atsuko. I've never seen someone do a face-plant while trying to punch before. Well done," said Hanu sarcastically, getting out of the jacket and sitting on the ground in front of me. I sat criss-cross in front of him.

     "Very funny Hanu. At least I completed the rest of the lesson with a bit more adeptness. I didn't fall anymore," I pointed out.

     "But Lee is much stronger then you. If you have to fight him any time soon, let's just say it won't end well. You don't even know how to use chakra, though you know what our special Ninjutsu is. Without chakra, it isn't going to help you. I'm just glad you have those food pills," said Hanu.

     "Yeah, okay, that's enough. If all you're going to do is insult me, you can't talk. Now let's go home," I said, picking him up and cradling him in my arms. I walked through the woods, remembering landmarks from when Lee had led me, and made it back to the village. I found the school, and then took the route I remembered from this morning, going to Naruto's house. I walked inside and went to my room, flopping on my bed. I was too tired and sore to do anything but sleep, so I fell asleep right there, laying half-way on the bed.                                                                  


*Gomen nasai- Sorry(formal)

     Yeah, so Hanu can talk. Atsuko knows a special Ninjutsu, but doesn't know how to control chakra, so it does her no good. She has food pills, her clans specialty. Poor Atsuko, practically being beat up by Lee. She's going to feel that in the morning. Comment, vote, and just keep reading. Ja ne.

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