Chapter Seven

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     I awoke later that night because I heard shouts about someone stealing a special scroll, and I also didn't smell Naruto, so I knew this was bad. I ran out after grabbing my weapons, running down the street to the forest in just my pajamas. I had Hanu track his smell, because like dogs, cats have a good sense of smell, and found him looking shocked, as Iruka-sensei knelt over him, a giant shruikan stickig out of his back. He was smiling at Naruto, and all, I could do was stand and stare. I could smell Iruka-sensei's blood from here. Then Naruto got a understanding, and then enraged face, as he stood up boldly. I noticed Naruto was carrying a large scroll, and figured that he had stolen the scroll. Naruto started yelling at a white-blonde Konaha shinobi standing in the tree, and then turned and ran into the forest. The Konaha shinobi took off in pursuit, and I then ran to Iruka-sensei. "Iruka-sensei! Daijoubo*?" I exclaimed, helping him up. He nodded.

     "Go help Naruto!" he ordered me, and I nodded, leaving Iruka-sensei standing there, going in pursuit of Naruto. I heard lots of noise, and arrived in a small clearing to see thousands of Narutos. I gasped. He had created thousands of clones perfectly, though he couldn't create one during the test. I knew he was going to be a incredible shinobi. The Konaha ninja stood in the center of them all, and then all the Narutos lunged at him, punching and kicking him into a pulp. When they were satisfied, all but one disappeared.

     "Don't hurt my friends!" he exclaimed and then punched the guy one final time. Naruto then rushed back to Iruka-sensei, unaware of me, and I followed him. I guess i was really slow, because when I got back, Naruto was wearing Iruka-sensei's forehead protector, and they were smiling at one another. I smiled. So Naruto had passed. Then I disappeared from the clearing, and slipped back home, going into my room, locking the door, and putting away my weapons. I slipped back into my bed like nothing had ever happened. I couldn't let Naruto know I was there. I faked being asleep, and heard the door open and close, and then click as it was locked. I listened to Naruto pound up the stairs, and then go into his room. When I heard his snoring, muffled by the walls, I was satisfied, and fell asleep myself. We had a new day ahead.


*Daijoubo- Are you okay?

     I'm very sorry it is so short. I'm finally onto Naruto Shippuden, which means these episodes are way back, so i don't remember what was said. I could go back and rewatch those episodes, but I would have to wait until I got internet again sice both Chapter Six and this chapter were written on the road. If you really want the dialogue, I might go back and watch the episodes, and then update this chapter if i get enough people to commebt saying that's what they want. Once again, I'm very sorry it ended up so boring. Please don't forget to comment, vote, and just keep reading. Gomen nasai... Ja ne.

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