8 - A Letter To Someone Who Never Loved Me Back

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Hey there!

Hope you're doing well. It's been long that I met you or for that matter, spoke to you. I don't know why but I've been thinking a lot about you, of late. I'm sure you're wondering why I'd even bother thinking about you. There's a long story behind it all and today, I thought it's about time to share it with you.

Years back when we got introduced to one another, little did I know that I'd fall for you. I'm sure you're taken aback. It's true that I fell for you and in love with you. As time passed, I got to know you better and I genuinely started admiring you. I began to like being around you, talking to you and at times, just looking at you. It was magical! Even before I knew it, I was in love with you. I loved you for who you were and how you were with me. I loved the rapport that I shared with you.

Eventually, I realized that you and I are very different from one another. I loved you but somewhere deep within, I always knew that you didn't love me back. Your actions clearly stated that you took me for a friend and that was it, nothing more than that. I took time to accept the fact that you didn't love me back and that I can never make you love me but with time, I was okay. I started maintaining a distance from you because staying around you would only mean that I'd be reminded of the love that I had for you.  

You know, my love for you, and life, has taught me this that you can't force someone to love you back and you shouldn't ever do that. It's okay to love someone who doesn't love you back! We grow up thinking that someone who we love has to love us back. There's no hard and fast rule. Love anyway has no rules. It just happens. I'm glad I learned that.

Somewhere deep within, a part of me would always love. I'll always have a soft corner for you! You're special to me!

Wishing you the best today and always!

Much love,

Someone who'd always love you!

Letter found: http://www.filtercopy.com/one-sided-love-2501387840.html

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