1st day of Middle School

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I was currently in elementary and to be honest, it was a bust. I never paid attention to anything except to trading Pokemon cards. And believe me, I was a pretty good negotiator. I even sold some with some fake legendaries and some not even worth the money to 5th graders. Oh yeah, lemme introduce myself.

Im Andrew Ramos, like in the Pokemon movie (skweee). I have brown hair, with magenta highlights. Being the only kid with weird quirks, it was not hard for other students to start making fun of them. I lived a pretty decent life with my friends, but now comes a harder challenge. Middle School! Im glad I had great friends.

Some of them were weird in their own way. And to be honest, I think we all were. One of them is Sheila. Sheila was one of the kind who would fan girl over Korean bands. She was funny and amazing in her own way. There are a few more friends I have, but I won't bore you anymore.

The first day of school, I was immediately hugged by my 8th grader friends, which happens to have my old crush. Valerian. He was a 5'6 foot male, black hair, bangs, and likes anime. He was so hot in my eyes. Anyways, I was later met by my friends, and we all compared our classes.

1st period would have to be the best to me, because thats where I met Kai. It was history, and believe me, it was history in the making. Kai Soto hands down was the best thing that happened to me. I was in his class once,(which kinda sucked cuz he was hot) so it wasn't that bad.

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