Chapter 4

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I woke up and saw that Chris was dead asleep.
I got up and was walking into the bathroom that our bedroom has (weird but convenient) and I saw he had a baseball bad on the floor next to him. "oookkaayy" I muttered while walking into the bathroom.
I walked into the bathroom and did my business and came out and he was still asleep.
I left the room
"to be evil or to be nice"
I said grinning
Evil: tying him up
Nice:making him a nice breakfast in bed.

"I'll be nice for once"
I said to myself and ran downstairs.
looking at the clock we had on our wall it was 9 am
Chris usually didn't get up until 9:30/10 am so I'll make him a good breakfast.
I am a good cook I will admit.
I pulled out pancake mix, bacon, Orange Juice , a lot of fruit (but not cherries ewww), and egg.
that boy eats a lot.
and we didn't a lot eat yesterday because we were so busy.
pulling out 3 pans I started the egg the pancake and the bacon.
while that was cooking I got out a bowl and cut the fruit up and washed it then put it in a bowl.
I then flipped his pancake and pulled out a tray and put the fruit on there
the pancake was done and I pulled out whip cream and strawberries (that's how he liked his waffles and pancakes) and I fixed that up and put it on a plate then put it on the tray.
the eggs were finished so I put the scrambled eggs on a plate and put that on a tray.
then after a few minutes the bacon was done and I put that on there.
then I turned off the stove, got out a cup and poured him the juice.
I grabbed a fork a knife and a spoon and carefully went upstairs.
when I got in the room Chris was just waking up.
I smiled and sat the tray on his lap and kissed his cheek.
"breakfast in bed"
he said grinning
"what did you do?"
he added
"me? little old me? I did nothing."
"Michael Kuza."
"Chris Cerulli"
"I'll eat it, and I'll enjoy it but I wanna know what you did."
he poked me and started eating.

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