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At the practice room,

The mentors are having a meeting on who are they gonna train.
"So today we are going to train someone" said Rain
Hyuna's choice was Feeldog from Big Star.
And the others chose who are they gonna train except one, Taemin didn't know who he was gonna choose... But he chose Hyunjoo from a former member of April.
"So the training will start tomorrow, the meeting is now dismissed." Said by rain again.

Later that day...

Rain announced who the mentors are going to train.
When the other girls knew that Taemin was going to train Hyunjoo... They were shocked! Hyunjoo was even shocked!
Taemin told Hyunjoo, "Why I wanted to train you because you need to improve your dancing and singing skills." "Oh, okay." Hyunjoo said.

One day later....

"Okay! Let's start training!" said Rain. The mentors are training the trainees to have their skills get better. Taemin approached Hyunjoo, "Do you want to train at my house or the practice room?" Taemin asked, "The practice room." Hyunjoo answers.

Afterwhile, they started their training. "Hyunjoo, can you dance freestyle?" Taemin asked Hyunjoo with concern. After that, Hyunjoo tried to, "I think I should train you harder." Taemin said, "Can you sing any song?" He asks afterwhile, Hyunjoo replied an, "Yes!" With a smile on her face.

She sang softly with a beautiful song, Taemin clapped loud, "What a soft voice you have!" Taemin replied honestly and excitingly. Hyunjoo smiled happily when she heard tha compliment from Taemin. Afterwhile, they were training really hard at the practice room. Taemin was training Hyunjoo really hard, "I think we should rest for a while" Taemin said to Hyunjoo, but Hyunjoo didn't stop.. "But I need to train really hard for this" Hyunjoo said to Taemin, "No. You need to rest there is still a tomorrow."
Taemin said to Hyunjoo.

sorry for the short chapter. it's my first time writing a story btw.

Training: Joomin (Taemin x Hyunjoo)Where stories live. Discover now