Chapter Two

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It's been a whole week sense you've heard from Hal (thank god) because he has been shut down while Dirk works on his new form.

You actually missed your rival, but you couldn't tell anyone that of course. The other day you were gaming with Lil Sebastian (the best lil seb can do with his tiny hands) and when you won, you turned to rub it in Hal's face, only to remember that he wasn't in his usual spot.

You started to actually really want him to come back and you were getting a little upset.

Brobot came over to you when you were acting blue, and held up his katana, motioning to the roof. You knew that this ment that he wanted to practice fight with you. You didn't mind losing to him every single time because he was really strong. And besides that, when you're missing the one person you can not stand, Maybe you need some sense knocked into you.

You get to the roof and can easily say you got your ass kicked! It's not that Brobot was beating you up for nothing, though.  This was his way of payback for all of the times you beat him at your video games.

You were getting exhausted from the battle and decided to call it quits for the day. By that I mean you laid down on the ground breathing heavily and staring up at the sky.

"You're not very good at physical combat, are you?" A voice says in the distance.

You knew that voice. Hal.

You sat up and looked in his direction. He looked like an actual human.

He had hair the color of snow that was cut about the same as Dirk's, extremely pale skin, and he had bright red eyes. He was....kind of attractive.

WHAT are you thinking???

This is Lil Hal we're talking about here.

But wow did Dirk do a great job at making androids. He just looked so realistic.

Oh right, didn't he say something to you?

Maybe you should answer him.

You tried to look angry but you smirked.

"Considering the fact that you have never had a chance of physical contact at all until now, maybe you shouldn't say things like that."

"I know that you missed me while I was in slumber (y/n)."

"Oh please, I was hoping you'd never come back. "

"I highly doubt that considering that your first natural reaction, to hearing my voice, is to smile."

You blush but don't say anything, suddenly Dirk comes onto the roof. (He just always knows when to save people from their doom. )

"Okay you two!" he says "Before you destroy each other,  I have to say some things. Hal doesn't know how to do anything right now he's literally a teenage looking baby."

You laugh at the baby comment and Hal looks annoyed.

"So we all have to help out and take care of Hal so he can grow up to be a big boy like daddy Dirk."

You burst out laughing again, maybe you can find some fun in this.

A/N Well that was Chapter Two! Sorry if they're really short! I'll probably update tomorrow but it's 11:20 so I'm going to sleep.  Night, people.

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